19 November, 2013


When I visited my daughter last month she was making these sparkle/time-out/relax bottles for her two children, they love them; in fact, so do I! I came home and gathered the few supplies (she graciously provided me with her left-over glitter) and made one to take to Gregory. This first photo was taken after thoroughly shaking the bottle to distribute the contents the night before, and this photo, below is how it looked when it had settled out the next morning. I had Mr. Goodneedle super-glue the lid on good and tight.

As I suspected, he was captivated and shook it up right away!
He loved it; who wouldn't?
Here's the surprising part... he actually sat, still, and watched it settle;
it does so ever-so-slowly due the viscosity provided by the clear glue solution.
That's a tall order for any active three year old boy!
This relaxation bottle truly is a wondrous thing
I'll bet you know someone who could use a little sparkle in their life!
Life is Good!


Janet O. said...

Oh, how fun!! : )

Carol said...

I saw those the other day on line somewhere and wondered if they really worked...here's the proof...thank you so much for sharing!

AnnieO said...

Really cool! They sound fun to make, too.

Mama Spark said...

I would love to know the proper mix inside to make some for Christmas presents! Could you email it to me? Thanks for sharing!!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I would love to make a couple of these for some hyperactive adults I know . . .