This sweet little jellyroll looks innocent enough... all packaged up so pretty and tied with a bow. I find myself attracted to these adorable little two and a half inch strip bundles, in fact, I had to fight for this very one. At our recent Bee retreat we enjoyed a belated Christmas gift exchange; the type of exchange where you can either go for the unknown by choosing a wrapped gift or steal someone else's already opened gift when it's your turn to pick. I had drawn the coveted #1 ticket which allowed me first
and last choice this year. I'll admit it, I stole this jellyroll! Now, I would ordinarily feel bad admitting that, but when I stole it I had the knowledge that the one remaining wrapped gift on the table was the very one that I had brought; I knew that the friend I took this jellyroll from would adore the low volume fat quarter bundle contained inside. I was correct, she was pleased!
Whew! So, back to the innocence of the pretty little jellyroll. Don't let her cute little outer appearance fool you. She demands more than to simply following you home to sit on a shelf. She requires company! A charm pack, some backing and binding fabric will round her out nicely and give her a purpose.
All the makings for a small quilt are assembled, this little jellyroll is happy now. |
"Strawberry Lemonade" is completed and ready for Lynnleigh's 1st birthday party today! Made from nothing more than a jellyroll and a charm pack (plus backing and binding) this is a quick to make and attractive quilt, measuring 60" X 60", is a good size for both children and adults alike. The pattern is "Easy Breezy" by Touchstone Designs; this is the fourth quilt I have made from this pattern, and as you now know, it won't be my last! Don't say you haven't been warned... those sweet little jellyrolls can be very demanding!
It's all good~
Life is Good!
Update: I am so sorry to report that the pattern mentioned above is out of print
and no longer available. I will post a photo of the completed quilt design
with measurements for anyone who might be interested, stay tuned...
There's just something about a jelly roll that makes my eyes light up. :). Blessings, marlene
cant wait to see what you make with it
Lynnleigh is going to be so excited when she unwraps that beauty!! It's so bright and cheery, the perfect perpetual hug!
Love your bright quilt! Ihave been googling for the pattern you mentioned and cannot find it!
Love your bright quilt! Ihave been googling for the pattern you mentioned and cannot find it!
Hehehe. Hate those present stealing parties. Too much stress:) Can't wait to see what you do with it. And Lynnleigh's quilt is adorable!
You didn't strike me as the "stealing" type, until you explained the details of the situation. Sounds like a fair "exchange". : )
I, for one, would be very interested in the pattern. That would be a nice thing to be able to make up when needing a cute quilt without having a lot of time. Thanks!
Weren't you the lucky one (pun intended). What a charming quilt....I'm sure the birthday girl will love it. How could she not love a quilt from Nana?
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