21 October, 2014

Quilting "The Journey" And A Book Review

I've resumed quilting on "It's The Journey" after a few distractions. Working on this challenge quilt continues to be a joyful experience, as has always been the case. Each shape offers a new opportunity to try out another quilting motif or technique. Snowbird has risen to each and every task and performed beautifully. Three things have come together and combined to assist me in becoming more adventurous and creative in my quilting choices, two of them are machine related: Snowbird is equipped with Bliss drive and Quilt Glide stitch mode, both allowing for smooth-as-silk movements resulting in curvier curves and flawless, precise control. The third thing is a new confidence  gained as a result of taking a longarm class this past summer. The instructor, Gina Parris-Perkes, was encouraging and helpful in exactly the way that I needed to be gently nudged forward past what had been my own self-imposed boundaries. That, and actually breathing while quilting have made a world of difference! (I have a classmate friend to thank for noticing that and cheering me on with: "breathe, breathe"...!).

Quiltkeemosabe and I will get-together tomorrow for our monthly "Bible" study, working our way together, block by block, through Rosemary Youngs' Quilt Block Bible.  We alternate hosting and instructing and have added a book review to our agenda too. If we're going to hold each other accountable for stitching up the blocks we figured we'd throw in some accountability for the books we buy!  This was my month to write up the book review and I chose Karen McTavish's new, 2nd edition of Mastering The Art of McTavishing. This book comes with a twin set of DVDs demonstrating her signature, distinctive, quilting stitch; I found the book a sound investment worthy of its place on my bookshelf, it's a highly valuable resource. If you would like a copy of my book review just let me know and I will be happy to e-mail a copy of that to you.
Life is Good!


Elita@Busy Needle Quilting said...

Oh yes, please! I have one of her older books, which I love, and need some new resource materials. Always happy to have direct experience reviews!

Jacqueline said...

I would like to know if her book would be helpful to quilting with a domestic machine. I do not have a mid or long arm.


Quiltdivajulie said...

I know another quilting friend who has that book and she LOVES it (bet you know who) . . . love what you are doing with your Journey!!

Janet O. said...

Your quilting is beautiful! If I may, I'd like to pin it to my FMQ board!
I just realized something. The names of your longarm machines have been hauntingly familiar and it just barely struck me as to why (I am slow on the uptake, I know). Both Sundance and Snowbird are names of ski resorts here in Utah. I am not a skier or it may have hit me sooner. : )
I have a copy of the first edition of Karen's book. Do you know anything about how it differs from the second?

Paula, the quilter said...

I love Janet O's comment about the ski resorts! Like her, the names of your machines tickled the edges of my memory. And yes, I used to ski in my younger more agile days. I don't have a framed long arm, just a sit down machine, but I aim to get really, really good at the quilting using this machine. You have set the bar high for me, Mrs G.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Beautiful quilting

Tanya said...

Such beautiful work! How I wish I could play with a longarm!