What an incredible ride this life is!
This is our' 64 Oldsmobile convertible. Isn't this a great shot? Kyle took the car to Mt. Airy (Mayberry) this weekend and pulled up to Goober's for a fill up! Wouldn't it be great to pay Mayberry-era prices for gas again? Interestingly, while Kyle had the car at Andy Griffith's fictional TV-home we happened to be on Roanoke Island near Manteo, his real- life home, around the same time on Saturday!

I've learned so much in almost a year here, what a wonderful place this blogging-world is. Thanks to one and all for your comments, your encouragement and your friendship; I eagerly await tomorrow and what's next to come... in fact, I'm bordering on giddy just thinking about all the possibilities!
Oh, yes~
Life is Good!
...yesterday, today and tomorrow...
Life is Good!
...yesterday, today and tomorrow...
And thank you for pulling me along with you into the world of blogs! (And all the other places you've pulled me into, too!) I may not blog myself but I love reading them and wondering around and finding new ones. There's this whole world out there and I wouldn't have found it if you hadn't opened the door and showed me. Congratulations on your 200th posting!
What a nice post, and what a spectacular quiltlet! I've not tried wonky letters. Yet.
My 200th post came and went without my noticing it. Am planning to try to do something to observe my 225th, perhaps.
Congrats! 200 posts and Mayberry, too *s* Life is good.
Congrats on the 200 post. I like your little quilt you made to commenorate the post. I look forward to 200 + more.
Zoo Blogs?
How fun to do something different. Have you tried any of the Buggy Barn stuff? They march to a different drummer and I LOVE their stuff, check them out.
Congrats on 200 posts. I've really enjoyed your blog. It's one of my favorites!
Much blogging happiness on your 200th post! And to quote Quiltkeemosabe, "thank you for pulling me along with you into the world of blogs". I never would have done this without your inspiration either. Now if I can only be as faithful to my writings as you are. I hope to get to 200 one day. ;-) When you occasionally skip a day, I find myself missing you and your words of wisdom.
Big hug!!
Congratulations on your 200th! I am so glad I found you, & love reading your posts.
My son would love that car! He has a 1962 Valiant with pushbutton controls. It is the third one he has owned, & it was made before he was born!
congrats on your 200th post! I started mine by accident! I THOUGHT I was commenting on my daughter's blog...I was REALLY starting my own! HA!
Congratulations on 200 posts. A nice tribute to your accomplishments! I have been thinking about making those letters too. I think I am going to add them to my challenge quilt, once I have the blocks done.
Congrats on 200 posts! I appreciate your insights, and I realllly like that picture of the car! Schweeeeeeeet!
Cool car! Great little quilt. Happy 200th and Keep 'em coming!
congrats on your 200th blog! :)
Hey, you were right in our neighborhood, almost! Hope you had a lovely time and the weather behaved. 200 posts is quite a landmark. Whoa, is that what the lighthouse was about?
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