... and other clothing 'mistakes' I've been warned about. My daughter has spent the better part of her life educating me on the art of dressing myself. She used to hand-pick my clothes when she lived at home and over the years has carried many a dress
out of the dressing room and back to the rack in the store in an attempt to prevent me from buying what I thought looked good, or believed to be fashionable. She lives a hundred miles away now and I'm sure that she still cringes to think that I'd break one of her rules, she definitely has established them to be followed, she grew up believing this to be her
calling. The most famous of these is her Double Denim* rule, breaking that one would be a complete and total "no-no". Basically the rule is this... if you have on jeans you shall not, ever, wear anything denim on top at the same time! No denim shirt, or jeans jacket, or vest. Oops. Vests are
out, completely; I keep forgetting about that. Sorry, honey! Anyway... back to the *D.D. rule. Denim shirts, blouses or jackets are for wearing with khaki, black or any non-denim item on the bottom. Easy enough to remember, right? I slipped up today. I started out just fine. Cropped jeans and a white shirt with cute, tan leather sandals. I was cold here in the house as the morning wore on; I slipped my ever-present denim shirt over the top of the white shirt I was already wearing; thus, violating the D.D. rule...
big time! My feet were still cold. Tennis shoes quickly replaced my cute little sandals, oh... and socks; soft, white, low cut socks! I can wear tennis shoes and socks with my crop-length jeans can't I? Hmmm... all of a sudden I don't remember the shoe rules. Oops, again. But then, what does it matter since I am already in violation? It's a good thing she's at work... a hundred miles away; I'm certain that I'm in trouble,
really big trouble. I have a feeling she already knows, she has an extra sense for infractions such as these and I think I can hear her screaming all the way from the Capital City! Maybe I can beg some extra credit for my cute little scissor-leash and call that a fashion accessory, that and my rubber bracelet? Probably not. Uh-oh.
Life is Good!

31. Talk less; listen more.
Please tell me that you didn't go out in public... :)
Well now...I do believe I read somewhere recently that you CAN wear two denim pieces as long as the denims DO NOT MATCH...no "matchie-matchie" (as if this means anything to me since I have been known to put my hair up in a scrunchie or a banana clip!)
You mean I've lived my whole life without being aware of this appalling fashion faux pas? Horrors!
My then-4-yr-old daughter told me one day that I looked especially nice for me. I asked what she meant, and she said that some moms wore nice clothes everyday, but not me. I think she had been trying to pay me a compliment, but...
Daughters!!!! Where did they get all their knowledge??? To make matters worse, my DD passed her knowledge to her DD.They drive me crazy, cause I don't particullary like the way either of them DRESS!!
Hope DD is not reading this, if she is, I will certainly hear from her.. DD are like DH'S we can't live with them and certainly can't live without them!!
Personally, I think your ensemble looks cute. But you know what I know....LOL
Sometimes I think I need to have someone to help me with my fashion. I'm wearing double denim as I type this, so I certainly am not up to standards.
I have to tell Sushi I am around for her to look better in comparison. Sushi will look at my outfit, and roll her eyes, but she won't tell me what I am doing wrong.
M-m-m-m, seems like my daughter and your daughter must have taken the same fashion course! I can't wait until the fashion police come and one day lives with dear daughter! (Should she be blessed with a DD)
We can dress you up but we DEFINITELY can't take you out!
Rules have Rights Love, *karendianne.
This just cracked me up! My DD is captain of my fashion police too. She insisted that I watch "What Not to Wear" when TLC first started broadcasting it, and that I take notes on all the subjects (victims?) in the over-50 category. No more holiday sweaters, no more walk-shorts with tights, and please, no more double denim. I purged my closet. For the most part I do okay, but occasionally I get that evil eye from her, the one that looks me up and down and raises an eyebrow of motification. And shoes....no mercy there. She should try wearing a 9 1/2 narrow....when I find shoes that fit, I buy them. Sorry, they aren't the trendy numbers that only come in 7 M.
My favorite outfit all winter has been DV: double velour...a nice warm track suit in several different colors...perfect for lounging around the house eating bon bons!
So I say you look great....as long as you don't leave the house! ;-)
Oh, and by the way, remember your darling navy blue empire dress with coordinating red, white, and blue checkered coat...your stewardess outfit? What would your DD say about that?! I was so envious.
I have to remind my mom NOT to do the DD look too...oh well, some of us were just born with 'it'!
RFLOL Thanks for the smiles! My 2 daughters generally kept their opinions to themselves (but I'm sure they had them!). It was always my son who would go shopping with me. Even as a kid he had a knack for picking the right things off the racks for me. I still need him!! :-)
That is too funny... I am sure my DD will be just like yours- at the moment she's 14 and borrows my clothes- so I hope it will be a while LOL. Thank you for sharing :)
I 3D'd on Monday, 2D'd on Tuesday and am wearing my favorite velour co-ordinates...i.e. Ancestor Collector...today, on Wednesday. I figure if the Fashion Police show up at my house, they can not only take me shopping, but pay for it. I think we should do a Quilter's Faux Pas Fashion Show and sell tickets....maybe even a calendar.
Denim in any quantity will be ok as long as the "Born to Quilt" tatoo isn't covered up.
Well, I have to admit that I am a No DD rule follower myself *s* I thought it was one I came up with on my own . . . My Princess used to think it was a silly rule - but now she is a follower, too.
Trust me when I say my dresser and closet are filled to the brim with plenty of other 'cringe-worthy' outfits!
Got to chuckle today when I saw our church secretary in jeans and a denim top. Didn't say a word!! I hadn't known about the "rule" either!!
Oh dear! I think I made the denim fashion fau pas many times!
Oh my, you provided me with a good laugh at myself today. I grabbed my denim jacket on the way out the door and when I got to work, I realized I was wearing jeans and that there was no way I could wear a denim jacket with my jeans! Fashion faux pas! Fortunately, I never needed a jacket today. Close call.
You look beautiful even if you broke the rules.
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