17 November, 2008


In light of financial downturns and belt-tightening everywhere it's not surprising that the church budget needs to be drastically trimmed with what appears to be a significant shortfall in pledges to date. This fact is causing headaches and heartburn for all of us planning to present a budget for 2009 to the congregation on Sunday. It's been quite a year. Not only are we looking at some pared down programming for the future but we're running behind for 2008, as well. Just when I felt the most frustrated came these words of comfort, of challenge, from my Pastor:

"To be sure we live in challenging times, economically speaking, and yet it is in such times that we both reveal and further develop the character of our beliefs. I invite you to think and pray with me about money matters this week not simply in relationship to our church budget needs but in terms of what we do with all that we have. What does our spending as a whole say about what we really believe? What are our deepest values and are they adequately embodied by our financial stewardship? If the only measure of our faith were our spending, what would God conclude? These are questions worth pondering."

I'm choosing to look ahead with hope and optimism; through faith and prayer I believe that things are looking up already!
Life is Good!


Quiltdivajulie said...

Stewardship campaigns at our church and our son's are focusing on using gifts and talents this year - money is important, to be sure, but encouraging and allowing people to give of themselves to help where possible has been SO undervalued. I suspect the change in financial situations will allow more of "us" to show through instead of just our checkbooks. In the end, this is a good thing.

dot said...

Thanks for the great post. I have had to downsize on many things and really decide where God would want me to put the wonderful resources He has blessed me with. I will keep this in prayer for all peoples and that God will be evident in all our decisions in good times and bad.