21 January, 2009

Frosty Fabric And Frozen Fingers

This thermometer sits on the desk right here in the studio, this photo was taken Saturday morning. The top number is the temperature reading outside, the bottom number is the temperature reading inside this very room: 58.3, brrr! With the forecasted lows being in the single digits on Friday night my husband had turned on the gas logs in the family room, set to "thermo" mode; thus, taking the load off the heat pumps. The problem with that is that the thermostat is actually on the wall in the family room and when the room got up to 70 degrees it was satisfied and the pumps worked very little. (The door to the studio was closed, so it received no benefits of warmth!) On Saturday morning my friend Nane decided to come and spend the day here, working on projects and basically having a sew/play date in the studio, after all it was too cold to do anything outside. I failed to tell her before she arrived that she'd need her mittens! I know she was freezing after she'd been here a while, she's younger than I am and didn't seem to find the frigid air (inside the house) as invigorating as I do these days! Sorry, Nane! I do give her credit though, being the trooper that she is she hung out here for a few hours, although she did spend a lot of time near the iron! Gosh, by the time she got ready to leave I think it was all the way up to 62, she should have stayed longer. I'm officially going on record and offering her a rain chill check!
...things are back to normal now...
Life is Good!
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Paula, the quilter said...

Just make some fleece fingerless mitts (free pattern available on my sidebar) and just start handing them out to your guests. For some odd reason, even though there are no fingers in the mitts, *your* fingers do not get cold.

Nane said...

I am at home today with a cold, but not at all related to our studio time Saturday morning. I will wear my ski parka if I have too next time...its worth it to share your quilt space (and conversation)

Quiltdivajulie said...

I understand this scenario well ~ here at work, one zone will have the AC running while the adjacent unit is set for heat. My desk is at the opposite end of the building from the copy room and yet our zone is controlled by the thermostat in the copy room (which stays warm due to the equipment's heat). Sigh - I keep fingerless gloves/mitts at my desk and wear them more often than you might suppose.

Glad things are back to normal in your studio!!

Karen Newman Fridy said...

Brrrr! Mine stays that way because the boys are forever running outside and the only way out down here is to lift a garage door...problem is they leave them UP!!! I would turn on my gas logs if I could get to the fireplace... :-)

Domestic Designer said...

I have a similar problem in my sewing room. My hubby finally bought me my own ceramic heater and I stay toasty if I keep the door closed. Sometimes it even gets too hot at certain flash times! LOL

Salem Stitcher said...

I turned our heat back the other day because I just about fainted when I opened our gas bill. Yikes! Now it's fleece sweatshirts and wool slippers all the time in my house.

If it's not going to snow about a foot, it might as well go ahead and turn warm!

Libby said...

We have a similar situation here - the thermostat is in the warmest spot in the house . . . . saves the heating bill though *s*

Nan said...

My sewing room is upstairs over the garage, so it's either too cold or too warm. I am afraid to have a thermometer in that room - I might never venture in there during the winter! Brrrr......