I have had the distinct privilege of quilting this one, a combined effort by the talented hands of my own Bee. This quilt has a great big job ahead; to raise money for the American Cancer Society at an upcoming Relay for Life event through raffle ticket sales. The block pattern is "True Lover's Knot" from the book
Quilts from The Quiltmakers Gift. The sweet colors combined with chocolate are yummy. I chose the same
Hearts in Bloom pantograph for the quilting that I used in the border of the wedding quilt for my son and DIL, it has produced a soft over-all effect.
...let the ticket sales begin...
Life is Good!
Another good one Mrs. G! You and Sundance are just humming along. I'll be buying my tickets at bee tonight!
It looks great! Thanks for your contribution, I better get tickets printed!!!
This is nice, I hope this lovely quilt gets ro raise a lot of money, the browns in the middles look nice, reminding me a chocolate yummy cookies.
In every way, how sweet.
Mrs. Goodneedle: Sign me up for 10 tickets. It is beautiful just as the past ones have been. Thank you and your bee for supporting cancer research!
I really commend you and your bee! My family has been touched many times by cancer and I certainly appreciate efforts to raise money for research. Bless you and your friends! I hope you raise tons of money. It is a beautiful quilt!
Beautiful as usual! Maybe we can get the binding done this weekend. All those hands...it'll be done in no time.
It is beautiful. I believe you will sell lots of tickets.
I hope your bee sells TONS of tickets for this beautiful quilt, which will raise lots of dollars for a worthwhile cause... many hands make light the work!
LOVE watching your quilting skills!
Your quilting is awesome, as usual! good job, Debbie!!
It's wonderful!
HOw do I buy the tickets?
I would love to see the whole quilt. I made a similar one for my son and DIL and I've been agonizing over the right borders to put on it. Any chance you can post a picture? Great quilting too.
Beautiful quilt, beautiful panto, and wonderful cause. It will make a LOT of money, no doubt in my mind!
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