...smart people take their time and calmly approach tasks with deliberate forethought! Think of today's post as a public service announcement. When has anything ever gone well when you've rushed into it, headlong, without thinking? I daresay never, or at the very most; rarely (and that rare occasion was most likely pure luck) . For me, when I take the time to plan,
and think, the day turns out much better: my quilt blocks sew up square and true, the iron doesn't run out of steam halfway through a shirt, the required ingredients for that new recipe I wanted to try out are in place and waiting. And then, there's the rest of my life... the mad rush when I cram as much as I can into every hour without planning
or thinking. Groan. I'm here today to tell you, that doesn't work out so well. I was going to heat up some left over popcorn shrimp from my dinner out Friday evening. I preheated the cookie sheet to 425 degrees and removed it from the oven, placed the shrimp (and fries and hushpuppies) on the sizzling surface and immediately proceeded to pick it up with my BARE HAND to return it to the oven for a few minutes. Here's the PSA:
DON'T DO THAT! Think first, use a potholder! Once I peeled my seared fingers free from the cookie sheet, and applied ice, I remembered the part about the pan being hot. Hmmm. Too much on my mind? Blame my dwindling hormone levels? Slow down and think first? Yeah, maybe that's what I should do!
I have my formerly skin-covered fingers to remind me.
Life is Good!
Oh, poor baby! I did that once and it was AWFUL!
For a one-handed person, you are typing remarkably well!
Ouch...but alas its probably not just hormones...my brain gets way ahead of my body at times too and I have to remind myself that if I don't slow down nothing will get done well.
Owwwwwwwwww!!! So sorry that happened to you...no fun!
I think we all just tend to be so busy that it is easy to be distracted like that. Slowing down is hard though!
Hmmm...that sounds like something I would do! We must be related!
Wanna borrow my t-shirt? It is highly experienced...
One of my essential mantras is "breathe" (just wish I'd remember it more often...)
Oh, I feel your pain. Hope you iced it pretty quick and long.
Ouch, that sounds painful! Hope your hands heal quickly!
this is the reason i don't do leftovers! :)
Oh I am feeling your pain!!! I have grabbed the handle on a hot pot more times then I care to admit. I just get distracted thinking "thoughts" that I forget what I am doing. sigh. Hope your fingers heal fast!! I am thinking this calls for dinner out while you get better. :)
Poor thing. I hope you heal fast. I stuck a pin in my mouth that was hot from the iron. (I was doing a hem) It stuck to my lip and took skin with it...stupid me.
Oh no..that is awful. I know how painful that is too as I have done it. I am so sorry.
Oh no..that is awful. I know how painful that is too as I have done it. I am so sorry.
Oh my I know that hurts, I did a mini version of the same thing last week ~ and then thought *why did I do that I know better*, but we do it with a busy mind! The ice will help, but the fingers will sting for a few days...maybe our reminder for a short time! Hope you heal quickly!
Oh, ouch!!! I've done that too -- brain not in the same room as hands at the time, I think!
NEVER apply ice to a burn!!! YOu restrict the blood flow to the area and can convert a 1st degree burn to a 2nd degree,or a 2nd degree burn to a 3rd degree one!!!! Cold water is fine but never ice!!
( I used to work in a burn unit!)
We gotta talk girl! Wait until I tell you what I did. Maybe in my next post. See you Thursday!
Blowing you kisses for those burned fingers!
I could do that!!! And HAVE..
Please be careful.Hopefully your hand will be better soon!!!
OUCH!! OUCH!! I know that hurt badly! I have yet to do that, but I have come close a couple times! I seem to burn my arm alot when pressing seams and not really paying attention to where the iron is, it hurts, and boy does our skin burn fast, it does not take much! I can only imagine how bad that felt!I bet you don't do that again!!!! I hope not anyway!
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