Too good not to share, this bright spot from my e-mail box yesterday:
“How far you go in your life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because, someday in your life, you will have been all of these.” ~George Washington Carver
I had a similar thought in the back of my head this weekend. We stopped at the Farmer's Market in Raleighwood for lunch and as I watched a van-full of elderly wait in line and slowly fishing out their money to pay their tabs, I thought one day with God's grace I will be like them and the world will seem to be moving way too fast and it will be scary. But, there they are, doing their thing at their own pace and enjoying their lives. I hope to be there too one day, to be that brave, and I hope in the meantime I remember to be patient because they have earned it and one day, with God's grace, I will have earned someone else's patience too.
WOW this is a profound blog entry, thank you for sharing it with us! It is something to ponder as we all add years to our ages! Lord help me to be patient, I needed this reminder!
A chronicle of random musings celebrating daily life, faith, family, sewing and making quilts from my semi-rural North Carolina studio:
"Strawberry Patch Quiltworks"
You are right..too good not to share. What a great 'thought for the day' thankyou.
So true! Have a great day and thanks for sharing!
Oh this is beautiful. A real keeper.
I had a similar thought in the back of my head this weekend. We stopped at the Farmer's Market in Raleighwood for lunch and as I watched a van-full of elderly wait in line and slowly fishing out their money to pay their tabs, I thought one day with God's grace I will be like them and the world will seem to be moving way too fast and it will be scary. But, there they are, doing their thing at their own pace and enjoying their lives. I hope to be there too one day, to be that brave, and I hope in the meantime I remember to be patient because they have earned it and one day, with God's grace, I will have earned someone else's patience too.
I love that!
Wonderful, thanks for shareing with an old lady. YEP, I'm already there.
WOW this is a profound blog entry, thank you for sharing it with us! It is something to ponder as we all add years to our ages! Lord help me to be patient, I needed this reminder!
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