Another quilt top in the making, the same Blocks of the Month, 2008. This time, in batiks. These blocks are sitting on the design wall, they're not attached together... yet. Every time I return to the studio I study them, change my mind, rotate one or two, and shuffle the blocks. I think I've
finally settled on this arrangement. I used EQ6 to design a border (a first for me!), it looks great; at least
on paper it does! Stay tuned for that. My commitment to turning blocks into tops isn't nearly as daunting as I had built it up in my mind to be. At this rate, Sundance and I will be
very busy all summer long!
Life is Good!
Ooooh, yummy!
Same blocks - different fabrics. Not better or worse; just different. If I were a teacher which I am not I think I would be tempted to try the same quilt but in different colour ways just so you could take a poll on who enjoyed which quilt and why. But I probably wouldn't because I don't get done what I want to get done anyway.lol I am enjoying your determination to get things done and hope it rubs off!
Oh I love the batiks! They look great! Have fun with Sundance today!
Great color placement and beautiful piecing. Some extra neat blocks in here to look at, too.
I enjoy your creativity to the HILT! *karendianne.
Love them, of course!
Love that setting. Can't wait to see what you do with the border.
Oooooooooooooo!!!! I think my heart skipped beat.
I like this setting too.
That looks so pretty! I haven't decided how I'm going to set mine yet...or when...
Verrrrrrrrry nice ~ really like this one!!
Oh I do like it...I see you are still "stickin" ~ you and Sundance WILL have a fun summer for sure!
LOVE it!
I am just getting caught up on reading some of my blogs. The stole you made for your pastor is wonderful. What a great gift and one that I am sure he will cherish for many years. I really do not have any special needles or thread I like to use, other than I just love Coats and Clark Dual Duty thread for applique. (I can hear the gasps of horror now, LOL...but it works great for me.) Your blocks on this post look great in the arrangment you have selected, but I know what you mean by moving them around everytime you look at it. I have done that and then once the quilt is done, I still see one or two that I should have moved.
Very very nice!!! Great job!
Love this quilt!!
Love It
I can see how much fun this quilt is!
I love the bright colors!
Zlaty :)
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