Do you remember the
Magic Eye craze? We found a book of Magic Eye postcards that belonged to our son when we were cleaning out the attic. I remember both of our children studying those images by placing them right up against their noses and then slowly drawing the page back until the 3D image appeared. I had trouble seeing what they did, I do admit to a bit of '
Emperor's New Clothes' thinking at the time and going along with their findings as a way of escaping what I felt was visual torture. I would squint and cock my head one way, then another, but all I could ever see was a blurry image of the cluttered page before me. I can clearly see those hidden images now. What's changed?

The pages and the pictures are the same as they were back in 1994. Have I opened my same old eyes to new possibilities? Perhaps I have, what an exciting outlook! This post is number 700, a milestone. I have a former giveaway debt, as of yet, still unpaid. I will settle that one (hear that, Kiddo?) and offer another one here today in celebration of this occasion. I will be drawing a random name from comments to this post on Saturday, August 15, and offering a handcrafted, personalized, patchwork journal (similar to this one, but with YOUR initial!) to the winner. Thanks for stopping by, thanks for taking the time to see what I see; even if you do feel the need to squint and cock your head every now and then.
Life is Good!
I love your blog and I don't ever need to "squint" to "see" it here!! Your journal is very cute, I would love an opportunity to win it! 700 posts, I hope to you have 700+ more.
I enjoy reading your blog on a regular basis. You inspire me to work harder. The journal looks great!
I truly enjoy keeping up with your blog. And that journal is gorgeous! You do such great work - keep it up!
Well I took off my glasses and tried to study the pic with and open mind. I ended up seeing rows of fish/shells some in front and some in back. I was never very good at those type of games.
The journals are lovely. And even if I do not win I will still visit your blog everyday.
I remember those crazy pictures! Never very good at it tho.
Your journal looks wayyyy better than mine so count me in!
Congrats on this milestone. I've been reading your blog since I first found it in early 2007 when I began mine. Blessings.
Oooh! Oooh! Sign me up! My initial is "N"!
Oooh! Oooh! Sign me up! My initial is "N"!
Nancy is funny with her initial comment. hee. That's quite the journal by the way. Quite!
Congrats on hitting the 700 mark. Oh, and the ears ~ they're listening. ;)
congrats on 700 posts, your blog is a bright spot in my day I enjoy your wit and wisdom! Here's to 70000000 more!
I read you everyday, to see what is happening in the lives of W/S area quilters.
Save postage. Pick me.
You're one of my two favorite blogs (Can you guess?!)! Both are refreshing models of creativity, perspective, grace, hospitality, and self-discipline. I'm the lucky one to find the time to read them! You're applauded for the 700+ times you've sat on the "other side of this screen", allowing us to re-focus through your remarkable eyes.
I'm with you. I never could see the 3D design, but played along with the kids. Thank you for brightening my day with your quilts and your words!
700! Count me in! Love Ya
I always enjoy reading your blog! Congrats on reaching 700 posts. I'd love to be the winner of the journal - please pick me!
Count me in...my initial is M.
700 posts, Wow and congrats.
I never could see the picture either, still can't.
The journal is really nice. I would love to have one with my initial.
I used to LOVE those things even if I could only see the image half the time! HA But I TRIED!! And I REALLY love your journal. It's beautiful and I'd LOVE to win it! Thanks for a wonderful blog that I read almost daily.
I have never in my life been able to see one of those magic pictures. when I was growing up, we had a calendar with them, but i was the only one in the family who could not see it.
Congrats on 700! I'm a regular reader of your blog - love hearing about my beloved North Carolina! Hubby and I grew up on the coast and lived in Raleigh 18 years and are currently in southern Louisiana - enjoying it, but it isn't "home". Keep up the good work!
Wow - 700 posts is amazing. The journal is beautiful. I remember having a hard time seeing the images - some days I could and some days I couldn't at all. My son is much better at it than I am.
Oh my - 700! Here's to 700 more!!
It's all about perspective (which changes based on where we are at any given moment in time) . . . lovely analogy you've shared!
Thank you for being such a part of my life!
I never have been able to see those 3-D things!
Happy 700th post! That, my friend, is incredible!
I used to be able to see those pictures but can't see a thing now. Love the journal. You are so talented. Hugs.
Love the journal, its very pretty! Congratulations on 700, must be something about the 7's, I've just posted no. 77. And you were the first person in blogland to welcome me and wish me well. Thanks for all the encouragement through your posts - hugs x
I love the journal. My kids still love Magic Eye pictures. They make me slightly nauseous in my old age.
I sometimes 'see' the image. Don't know why some times and not others. I journal every day, does that surprise you? It does a lot of people. It is where I work out design ideas, quilting patterns and thoughts. I add pictures torn from magazines, paint, colored pencils; ink and pencil drawings are scattered here and there. I love journals and your's is especially beautiful.
Congratulations! Wow what an accomplishment. Sign me up for the giveaway. I would love to win.
I never was any good at seeing the image in those pictures.
Wow, 700 posts! I love visiting your blog. I enjoy it that your blog posts really make me think.
Congrats on 700 posts!
Looking forward to many more!
I could never see those things even if I squint! LOL
Congrats on 700...one thing for sure it has been a pleasure to have met you in person and get to know you more through the wonderful world of blogging. Your post MAKE me think & appreciate!! Life is Good...thanks to you!!
Lovely patchwork journal - someone will be a very fortunate winner- Hey this one would be the right initial for me LOL It is a lovely prize and a great milestone to celebrate 700 posts.
We had those books as well for our son but I just never could see the pictures no matter how much I squinted- I decided it was a special talent- just not mine..
Happy 700th post.
Great idea for giveaway!
Congrats for your 700 post and wish you 100X more!
I would love to have a personalized journal like that!
Thank you and enjoy your summer!
Zlaty :)
I clicked on the picture...I squinted....I backed up slowly...I got closer...nothing! I've never been able to see those things either. :( And I'd love to have the journal. I've started journaling on my daily Bible readings and that would be perfect. blessings, marlene
wow 700!
I 'squint' to see all the time. Except when I have my magnifiers on. Love your blog.
I never could see what was in those pictures and still can't. Hmmm, wonder what that says about me?
I love your blog and it is the first that I go to every morning!
ceramic1700 WOW Time flies when you're having fun!!!! We sure do enjoy your post and look forward to many many more, with or without give aways....although winning would be exceptionally nice!! hint, hint HEE HEE
700 - that's amazing!! Congrats and keep them coming!
Now that I'm a member of the big girl's club I'm going to see if that 3D thing works any better. (Salem, here that?? wonder if it works better with the readers, or without?)
I was never any good at those Magic Eye thingies either! Maybe it was my astigmatism which already made it wonky...? The journal already has my initial on it, so thank you in advance, LOL. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your milestones!
I remember those books. I looked and looked, but never saw it. I once pretended though, because I was getting a headache from looking so long and just needed to leave. Congratulations on 700 posts.
Hi Mrs. G,
Nope, I'm not enlightened enough to see those, even though I try (I guess not trying is the key?).
I enjoy your blog and your quilting.
Vicky F
Congratulations on 700 posts! I'm in awe. I'd love to win the journal. :o)
I recently found your blog and really like it. Thanks for all the sharing and creativity!
Congrats on your 700th post! I love your blog. You are so creative. The journal is lovely. I never have to squint or cock my head when reading your blog. I just have to say your grandson is really growing and so adorable. Have a good weekend. Karen
I was only ever to see one of those images - just one & I tried for hours!
Congrats on post #700. I enjoy your blog and check it out every day. Love the journal.
Congratulations on 700 posts.
I never could see those 3D images either!! I wonder if I could now - I wonder if it has something to do with the poorer near vision that occurs at "our" age?
Congratulations on reaching the 700 mark! Thank you for your generosity.
Yes I remember the crazy eye thing and no I couldn't see it either.
I would love to be enter for your giveaway and congratulations on 700 posts!
Hello, Like many of the other commentators I truly enjoy your blog and much appreciated the advice you gave me a few weeks ago. There are so many blogs out there I've had to cut back on the ones I follow (or else I would spend the whole day at the computer) - but yours is there on the keep list. The journal is lovely and I would very much like to be included in the draw.
I just wanted to thank you for writing in such a meaningful manner. Things have been a little tough for the last 18 months but I always feel encouraged after reading your writings.
Wow! 700, I'm so impressed! I love reading your blog. Your posts always leave me smiling and inspired and you manage to do that within a few sentences. Thank you! Keep it up!
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