He traveled from the Capital City to the small, hometown, barbershop that has cut the hair of his ancestors. Mason's first haircut was over before he knew it, a rite of passage from babyhood into
little boy-hood. Sitting on Gramps' lap he was calm and cooperative. The experience wasn't one bit traumatic, thanks to the wisdom and experience of Benny the barber. All together now...
"awwww"!Life is Good!
(I'm not sure that those sitting and waiting were nearly as impressed by this momentous occasion!)
How cute and gosh, look how proud Grandpa is?! Oh to bottle up all that love or even just the moment.
What did we ever do before pictures?!
*awwww* Time sure does fly!
He looks so cute! Good boy!
Have a great day!
Papa looks so proud. And I know Nana is too!
Precious! One day he'll look back and be glad that photo exists...
Hi Mason!! What a doll!!!!!
What a munchkin! Thanks for sharing :o)
To answer kerendianne: we kept locks of the hair. So, grammy, did you keep a lock?
how sweet
How sweet....just how sweet is that!
He really has a little boy look to him now!! Wonderful picture!
"AWWWWW" Once again a precious picture of a precious child.....
wonderful memories
What a big boy, glad you all could share in this with him!
AWWW. He does look so cute. My brother's first haircut was a real mission! He screamed blue murder!
awwwwwwwwwww!!! How special that his gramps got to hold him and that the ancestral barber had the honors!
Definitely warrants a big AHHHHHhhhh. He is so adorable. I have pictures of my son's first haircut that I just cherish. I got caught up reading your blog - been out of commission with computer problems. So I missed your give away - just wanted to say that is a lovely journal you gave away.
Awwwww is right..what a handsome young man and to have grandpa close by, well life is good!
ADORABLE...Mason is just the cutest little guy...that first haircut is so precious for all!
I remember the first haircut of all of my kids. So sweet! Mason looks so adorable!!
How quickly they change! But he's still adorable. Our little J still has his baby curls but probably not for long!
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