I've made a bunch of these pillowcases over the years and placed them on small, travel-sized, pillows for gifts. They're quick, easy and useful. I ran across this piece of fabric while I was cleaning on Friday and then, wouldn't you know it, I had located a few coordinating pieces. All of a sudden I was sitting at the machine and happily embroidering his name on the cuff! I had a million other things to do, but one thing led to another and before I knew it I had made a gift for my grandson. He doesn't even sleep with a pillow, but something tells me that he'll enjoy this for napping and dragging around before too long. What possessed me to drop everything else and make this right then and there? Blame it on love, blame it on this little face, I just couldn't help myself. Could you?

Life is Good!
In my own defense... I realized, when looking at the photograph, that I should have embroidered the name turned over from what I did (bottom of name toward pillowcase opening), which means that I should have constructed the pillowcase with the print turned over too, to match. My thinking is that Mason can see his name, right side up, when his head is lying on the pillow. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Live and learn!
I say why not spend the time doing something for your grandson....the other things will still be there and look what you have created for the little man....the name looks fine to me!!
The name is just fine. All those others things can wait. Gifts from the heart are by far the best and better than a story bought toy!
The dust bunnies are so happy that you got distracted making the little guy a gift. They get to live another day!!! (and Mason will love his little pillow! Good job, Nana)
There is no way you could have resisted that cutie pa tootie face!!!
Love the pillow case. :)
Well, who could blame you? Just look at that sweet face!
You're too cute! Just too darn cute!!! Now I know where Mason get's it.
Simply adorable! I can't wait for my own grandbaby to be born in January!!!
Just too cute, to resist!
I know I would never be able to resist that adorable face. Just too cute. I like the way you justified how you placed the name. LOL Great job.
Gosh, he's so adorable I might make him a pillowcase too! ;-)
What a great photo!!
How could you resist making something special for that cutie!
He is certainly a doll so I don't blame you for stopping everything to make him a pillowcase. And I like the way you made it just fine. In the quilt world there are no rules, thank goodness! blessings, marlene
Great pillow and tha name is just fine as it is!
OR--it makes a really cute bag! That Mason is too adorable!
I wouldn't be able to resist making something either, for such and adorable little guy!
You must have been side-tracked by some little cutie-pie grandson!
Time well spent in my opinion.
The pillow looks great to me.
Not much of a delima to me...house work vs. sewing?
I think you are right to just stop and make something you love for someone you love. Kind of like stopping and smelling the flowers, right? He is just adorable!
awww... Mason is adorable! Lovethe pillow!
What a gorgeous photo of Mason!!!
How could not love that sweet face.
He won't care which way the designs go. Cute.
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