26 October, 2009

Last One Out...

... turns off the lights! After much soul-searching and careful, prayerful, deliberation I have decided to throw the switch and shut down this blog; for now. There's no way that I can ever thank all my blogging friends for the wonderful experiences of the last three and half years and 728 posts. Someone asked me if I had a bad experience and if that had influenced my hiatus; no, that's not the case at all! I have enjoyed every single minute spent in blogger-land and it makes me sad to think about not being here anymore, I'll miss you! Your support and prayers have fueled me and encouraged my daily efforts, thank you for being here, both for commenting and for following. But, I've decided that it's time for me to go, the hours invested on the computer have simply become entirely too demanding. There's more than just composing and posting; the reciprocal blog visiting, commenting and responding to comments via e-mail have all combined into what could easily be a career move, time-wise. In the weeks that have passed since I've been on a blogging break I have reclaimed that time and focused it on finishing and organizing projects both in the sewing room and around the house; that has provided an enormous amount of peace of mind and I am happy and relaxed at the end of the day. I check my e-mail morning and evening every day, but that's the only time my computer is on anymore. Don't think of this as a permanent good-bye, but more of an "until we meet again" post; the lights might be off but I'm not closing and locking the door. Drop me an e-mail from time to time, I'd love to hear from you and stay in touch, I wish you all well. I am extremely grateful for your time and your friendship.

Life is Good!
~ as always~


Ancestor Collector said...

I understand but I know I speak for many, many blog friends when I say you will be missed here. Love you!!

*karendianne. said...

You will be missed but more than that, I have such respect for your decision. With great admiration and love, *karendianne.

Marianne Penner said...

You will be missed but I understand as I am considering the same as I too have been convicted of the time spent on computer. Thanks for all of the wonderful insights this past 8 months or so!

Paula, the quilter said...

I have considered doing the same, but haven't because it is my connection to the world. But I do respect your decision and hope we meet again. Vaya con Dios, mi amiga. (Go with God, my friend).

Quiltdivajulie said...

I've been feeling the sense lately that many of us are struggling with this line of thinking ...

I wholeheartedly commend you for your courage to turn off the lights in order to nuture your real-world life.

I will miss your presence online but am sending the greatest respect and affection your way as you move beyond where you've been.

Please know that you HAVE made a difference here.

Janet said...

This is sad news for many of us out here in blogland :( But any one who has jumped into this hobby can certainly relate. You've been an inspiration for many, including me. Thank you and good luck!

Libby said...

I completely understand - still you will be greatly missed.

Jeanne said...

It is alarming how much time is spent here. I will miss your posts, but wish you the best.

Marge said...

I will miss reading your blog. Thank you for the time and trouble you have taken in sharing with others.
Love and peace, Marge

Debbie J said...

And I just found you too!

I do understand what you mean. Its very hard to keep up with it all and not appear to be rude at the same time.

I've enjoyed your blog very much.

Maybe you can come back later?

Debbie J.

Angelscraps Quilting in North Carolina.

Angie said...

I understand completely---these computers eat up an incredible amount of time. We here at Ships Landing will dearly miss you and Hannes!!! My fur babies send woofs of goodbye for now. Enjoy your time and family!

Kimberly Mason said...

I doubt this is the last that I will hear from you, so I'm not TOO sad. *g* Life is Good, madam, very very good. Enjoy! God bless you and your fans...

Trudi said...

I'll be amongst those missing your posts, but understand your decision. May life continue to be good, and with hope we will meet agian soon, till next time ... sending much love and happiness your way. :o)

Dresden Quilter said...

Thank you for everything. I will miss your Talk Tuesdays. They give me so much to think about.

Anonymous said...

Boy do I understand this decision to reclaim time! However, I will still be here...shall you decide to come over for a visit.

Subee said...

I have so enjoyed your blog from the wonderfully positive insights to the beautiful work you do. You also inspired me to buy the book and clothesline to make baskets.
I spent the better part of my day reading your blog from it's beginning. I did not get very far. And I had tears a couple times. Please leave it up for a few more days so I can finish reading you.
I will miss your blog terribly. I also understand the time thing. There are days I do not turn my 'puter on so that I can get more done.
XOXOXO Subee in Northern Indiana

Barb said...

I will miss you very much...hugs to the little man, Mason! You have shared so much with us, but it would be selfish to not respect your decision! Come back when you can, and know that "we" understand!

Quilting Memories said...

See you around our LQS, Whatever your reasons , I do wish you the best.Give Mason a hug from me each time you see him and pat Hannes everyday for me. But most of all much love and happiness to you, enjoy your new endeavours and we all know LIFE IS GOOD.

Mama Spark said...

I am saddened to hear this but I completely understand. Blogland will miss you and I will miss you too. I will try to email and see how you are from time to tome too and you do the same. Maybe you can give us a Mason and Hannes update from time to time??
Best of luck to you and whatever you choose to do.

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

I am going to echo everyone else and say that I'll miss you. Also, I understand. The computer can become such a time consumer.
I hope to still hear from you every once in awhile my friend. Drop an email my way when you can. :)

quiltmom anna said...

I know you will be missed Debbie but I also understand the need to find balance between computer time and daily life.
Thank you for your caring thoughtful posts- I have appreciated your kind positive outlook on life.
Life is indeed good- until our paths cross again- be well and enjoy your time with your loved ones.
Warmest regards,

I have a good life said...

Wow. We just met and it is already goodbye.

Good luck with your life and it always makes sense to reevaluate time and priorities. Time...the great equalizer. God gave us each 24 hours in a day..rich or poor, old or young, no matter what race, religion, or nationality. Great job for making that decision, but I will already miss you.

Marie said...

I will miss your words, they really do help me. YOur wisdom is so kind when you speak.I have enjoyed your blog and hope that we can keep in touch. I love to see the pics of Mason and watching him grow.The time we spend on the ecomputer is endless and I see where it takes so much of our time , you are so wise and loving. Thank you for being my blog friend. Many hugs, Marie

Zlaty said...

I am glad you are doing well!
ENJOY yourself!


CarlaHR said...

I'll miss reading your blog, but I can certainly understand how it took up too much of your day. I've debated abut starting a blog but decided not to for just that very reason. Wishing you all the best as you use your new found time away from the computer and thank you for the information and inspiration you've brought to your readers.

Sandra said...

Despite the fact that I`m quite new to blogging I do understand your decition and wish you all the best and good luck!

AnnieO said...

A definite deeply thought decision, but I'm still sorry you're going to stop blogging for now. It has been wonderful to read your words and see your quilts over the last year or so. Thanks for sharing all you did.

StitchinByTheLake said...

I will miss you. But I completely understand your decision and have been toying with that decision as well. I feel as if my time at home is limited because of the time spent on the computer and that things which should be done are not being done. But God sent me here and He has not released me so I'll wait until He does. Be sure you let us know if you decide to return. blessings, marlene

Carrie P. said...

You will be missed but I understand and I will see you around town. blessing to you.

Andrea said...

I have "lurked" on your blog for a while. It was on my google reader list. Thanks for the blog time, and enjoy your time pursuing other things.

grammilou said...

So sorry to see you go. I'll miss your spritely posts, and keeping up with that darling grandson! Blessings on your way!

Teresa said...

I have enjoyed getting to know you and your family but completely understand your need to devote more time to home and yourself. Its a hard battle sometime to balance all that we have going in our lives. I will be keep your blog on my bloglines and hope to see you again, but until then, I wish you much happiness!

Tanya said...

Missing you.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. G, How well I understand of what you write. I've shared those same thoughts and had the same considerations, for the same reasons. While the computer can be such a valuable tool, it can also become a thief that robs us of more than our time. I will miss your lovely posts but I support your decision whole-heartedly. May the best be yours.

Quilting in the South said...

I will miss your blog too. You are a very positive person and inspirational. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Pam said...

Good luck to you Debbie. I am sure you will enjoy spending much more time with your sweet little grandbaby. I wish you all the best. I know how it is - it seems that even when I don't feel like sitting at the computer I am drawn to it and check things too often. I have hardly been blogging lately - but I do like to check in with my blogging friends. I hope we see you from time to time - either here on on Facebook.

julieQ said...

Take care and enjoy your newly found time!!

Lisa Boyer said...

Thanks so much for the time you've spent with us. I totally understand your decision and I think many of us feel the same way. Thanks for putting it into words and take care!

Rhonda said...

Hi Mrs. G,
You will be missed, but I understand completely as I'm going through the same thing myself.
Take care and hope to see you back here once again some day.

Michele Bilyeu said...

(((Life is good!)))

Nan said...

Hello Debbie! I guess I should be saying good-bye, but I won't. I will say I understand completely, since I have done the same. We must all go where our hearts lead us, and I know you have done just that. Take care of yourself and the family - Hannes too! I wish you all the best on this new path, and may you find peace and enlightenment every day.
Blessings, Nan
p.s. Life IS Good!!

Julie in the Barn said...

I add my thanks for the enjoyment your posts have provided all this time. But, like you, I realize what a time-sucker blogging can be and respect your decision to back away for now. Many of us are feeling the same. I hope we hear from you now & then.