03 October, 2009

Where Does It Go?

Time flies when you're having fun, that is most certainly true. It flies when you're not too. Let's face it, time flies. Where does it go? My "to-do" lists have been filled with appointments and commitments lately, there goes the time, in both the planning and the doing. I could write lists upon lists of all the tasks I want to get back to, I need to get back to, the ones that have been crowded out lately; the ones that have been pushed to the back burner because there's no time left. I have felt pulled in too many directions, way beyond a stretching point that's comfortable. I sat down to prepare a Bible study for presentation this morning. I opened to the book of John and began to read of God's gift of living water, through Jesus, to the woman at the well. God's peace settled around me like a well-worn quilt, I was wrapped and warmed by it. The gift of time opened and I dug deep into the vault, I had all that I needed. I was cheered and reassured, all was well and I could take my time; God would give me all that I needed!

Life is Good!


leigh anna said...

god does give us all that we need! VERY true! :)

MJMR said...


*karendianne. said...

Well I finally gave in and followed in your footsteps. All day I wasted untethered. Then out came the Good Book and I let it fall open. Anywhere. All the answers were there. Out came the pen and paper. Peace reigns.

Salem Stitcher said...

Funny...Saturday, we read the same passage about the Samaritan woman at the well. The living waters and never being thirsty again spoke to me as well. Time to put things in perspective.

julieQ said...

Yes, isn't it wonderful when we let go of our supposed control and worry and let God help us, at least it seems that way to me!