30 December, 2009

It's What's Inside That Counts

We all know it's what's on the inside that counts. That is most certainly true when it comes to people and boxed, assorted chocolates. Hannes would agree with this philosophy when it comes to his toys, if they don't contain a squeaker they're simply not worth their weight in fiber-fill! Why? The answer is simple... he believes it's his canine responsibility to free the squeaker from the belly of the beast, and in record time no less! Here lies Freddy the Fox, in pre-op; and sew it goes (sorry, I couldn't help myself)... I will stitch the squeaker back inside and it will once again be freed only to return to the pet hospital. It's what's inside that counts after all and I feel compelled to teach that to Hannes... or die trying.

Life is Good!
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julieQ said...

Yes, the squeaker...the "heart" of the matter!! My grand-dogs love those toys.

*karendianne. said...

You're hilarious!

Paula, the quilter said...

At least Hannes doesn't eat the squeaker. I suppose that is what a large dog does and not a smaller dog? Can you tell I am canine deprived?

Trudi said...

I'm so pleased you are posting a few on your blog :) Poor Fox!

Salem Stitcher said...

Oh Shelby envies Hannes' ability to administer squeakidecomies with such ease. She tries really hard but just doesn't have the chops for it!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh, my - what an absolute delight to discover you are posting again ... welcome back (for however long)

HUGGGGGGGGs (for Hannes but most 'specially for you)

Karen Newman Fridy said...

Hannes dear, that just seems so...uncivilized! ;)

Max would eat the whole thing though, so I guess you have done well to perform such delicate surgery on Mr. Fox, leaving the squeaker intact for reinsertion. You have a great human you know. :)

Meggie said...

It seems to be Leo's mission in life too. We gave him a toy with 4 squeakers in six arms, & he is confused... they are all still in situ.

I wish you and your's a wonderful Love filled, prosperous 2010!!

Pam said...

Hanne is a puppy after Jenny's heart. Not only must the squeaker be removed but all ears and noses should be removed as well!! LOL

Happy New Year!

Libby said...

Around here the squeaker is just simply a casualty - all the fun is in removing the 'guts' - flinging them all around the room *s* Harper loves her 'babies' but she loves them best when they are nothing but the 'hide' *s*