Yesterday was one of those days; the kind you look forward to, the kind you plan for, the kind where you just KNOW that you're going to get
sew much done! I had half a dozen burp cloths to stitch, a pretty pink quilt on Sundance waiting for me and a few borders to add to a baby quilt that is under construction. The day dawned cool and misty, with the promise of more rain, I didn't even need to feel guilty about not going outside and staying home all day! I poured a cup of coffee and carried it into my studio, I decided to work some machine embroidery first thing. I lingered over the design process a little longer than I should have, but it didn't matter... after all, I had the
whole day ahead of me! After loading the designs on a memory stick I powered up my machine and hooped a burp cloth for embroidery. I began to stitch... in fits and starts. The bobbin thread continued to fray, snap and break. I worked on the bobbin case, adjusting the tension and ripping out the faulty stitching. I had a LOT of practice with this procedure; repeating it over and over, and over again. I was growling by this time, at noon I still didn't have one burp cloth completed! By the time I fixed the problem and completed the first one I could feel the day unraveling; I knew that I needed to simply walk away, eat a late lunch, and regroup. The afternoon proved worse (from a productivity standpoint) than the morning, my growling got louder and the plan for the day evaporated. My machine decided not to recognize the memory stick anymore. (Luckily, I was able to upload some designs from the stick to my computer files for safe keeping before it quit working entirely!) I hauled my laptop over to the machine and sent the designs directly via a patch cord, I finished the fourth burp cloth at 4 PM, I was still in my pajamas(!) and desperately needed a shower; but, I'm stubborn, and decided to bind the edges and trim out the four that I had completed stitching. I broke two machine needles in a row and found that I couldn't top-stitch a straight line without skipping stitches to save my life. My husband decided to take over dinner duty, he sent me to the shower and fixed me a cheeseburger, just what this growling lion needed! I turned on some music after dinner, it calmed the savage beast; the finishing proceeded smoothly and without interruption. By 9 PM I had four burp cloths done, the pretty pink quilt was still untouched and that baby quilt under construction was, by now, nothing more than a distant memory. Yesterday was one of
those days, you know the kind. Grrrrr!
Today is another day,
Life is Good!
Stubborn? I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked." What a day but I'll tell ya, I do like the way you prevailed and DH chipped in there, too. Lordy Bee some days just take the sails right out the wind! (and yes, I meant that in the direction it was stated)
So glad the savage beast was tamed! (I’m talking about your machine! LOL) It is frustrating, to be sure, but there will be another day, Lord willing. :-D Reminds me of machine quilting woes…I was trying to finish a quilt for a couple getting married. Tension difficulties made me miss the household shower, and I found out this week that the wedding has been postponed. You may never know why you didn’t get as much accomplished as you planned, but there’s probably a reason…If nothing else but a beast needs a dose of “take that, you!” :-D
Mary Lou
DEEP sympathy! I've not had that day in a long time (knock on wood) so I must be about due. Thank you for taking my turn!
Been there! And then I wonder "is it happenstance or is our Lord trying to teach me something.... and if so what is it?! I want to know so I can move on!" Well, that means today HAS to be better.... have a great one!
Maybe today will be better...a cheesburger sounds good right now by the way.
Hope today is much better. Those kind of days are frustrating, especially when you just KNOW it's going to be a perfect day at home. You have such a good hubby to brave the savage beast and soothe you with a cheesburger. Most would hide until the storm passes!
That kind of day makes you grateful for the good ones. :) blessings, marlene
Fear not -- you aren't the only one that has days like that! Glad you were finally able to overcome all the obstacles. I probably would have walked away from it all and then they would be 4 more ufo's......
Those days make me crazy! Sorry you had to have one. Hang in there. Tomorrow will surely be better.
"Mama said there'll be days like this". Can you hear the Shirelles singing it in your ear?
Glad you stuck with it.
ROFL Those kinds of days usually turn out to be the biggest lessons about Angie. ROFL
So what is it about a day like that? We keep beating our heads against the wall, determined to change the direction and force of nature - why, oh why can't we go with the flow and walk away and do something else? I know I should, but I do just what you did - GROWL! Good thing my DH knows how to cook like yours!!
Wow and I thought I was THE ONLY one that kind of unraveling-day thing happened to!! Glad you persevered!
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