With a severe case of tunnel vision I had been piecing together this quilt top, using left over charm squares, from the pattern
Nickel Dogs by
Me and My Sisters. These puppies have been on my design wall for weeks and I kept thinking that something didn't
look quite right, but I convinced myself that all was fine and pressed on. I had the blocks all completed, and the rows joined, I was in the process of

adding the borders when I realized that there was a
mistake(!) in the instructions. The given measurement for the top and bottom inner border was five inches too long! Hmm. I whacked off the excess and stitched them in place anyway. My husband made a passing remark as he glanced at what I was working on, something about the dogs and their positioning being, *ahem*,
impolite. Huh? Finally, I saw it, my mistake was glaring; I had failed to insert the vertical spacer strips between the rows! Arrggh. I picked apart this
puppy parade, row by row, and began reassembling it. Suddenly, the instructions for those inner borders, top and border, were correct! Go figure. Take it from me: when all else fails, read those directions! But, if you can't do that,
at least look at the pictures!
Life is Good!
For the record: the placement of the yellow dog, lower right, ( marching to his own drummer) is intentional!
Great way to start the day this morning, reading about IMPOLITE dogs! LOL What a hoot!! I literally laughed out loud!!! :-D The quilt (and it puppies) is just darling, though!! Glad you persevered and were able to correct the puppies without even using a newspaper!
Mary Lou
Oh my! I do love the finished quilt though-it's adorable!
well, I mean, that's what dogs do...
(oh my, thanks for the chuckle!)
OH you are funny! That's why I love coming to read your blog! Very entertaining! I am sure it could happen to me, too!
Oh, you make me smile!
Marching to one's own drummer is SO important!
Great quilt and great story . . .
What is that old saying? O right: Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes. LOL! The top is way cute and I love the white in it.
Oh Man....glad you have such a good attitude, I would have steamed a little before correcting. It is very cute.
Only a husband would point something like that out! Love the doggies tho.
Adorable quilt! I'm not very good at reading instructions. :/ I do love the little one marching to his own drummer. :D
Soooo cute, those doggies, but Ooh, man! That's a lot of ripping out. I might have lost some hair on my head doing that much ripping. Glad your DH was paying attention. Maybe he should read you the directions next time, LOL?
So funny - well not your delimina but the dog positioning. Gave me a smile to start my day.
What a hoot! I too have "blindly" read instruction. But don't think I had such a funny outcome!! Great to talk to everyone!
Too funny and too cute!
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