Thank you, dear friends and family, for the prayers and well-wishes received during these last few days surrounding the blessed event of Lucy Ann's arrival! I am deeply grateful. Thanks, too, to the medical personnel and newborn consultants in the hospital who were so incredibly kind and patient with their assistance to get Lucy Ann on the right track toward eating; and, ultimately, heading home! Thank you to the kind and generous police officer in line at the hospital cafeteria who paid for my meal, and quickly disappeared, before I even knew what had happened! My heart is full to overflowing with gratitude.
Life is Good!
Life is good, and God is good! Lucy Ann is good! Gratitude is the perfect response, Ms. Needle! :-D
Mary Lou
Sometimes things happen for a reason.
Just like you said, "Life is Good"!
There are so many who help make good possible . . . (including you).
Hugs and blessings ~
:) I'd love to hear more on the Policeman story :) very intrigued! So good to hear 'Life is Good!'
Very happy for you and your precious family. Lucy Ann is a beauty.Our parayers are with you and your family. Hugs, Marie
Trying again to say she is beautiful and the image of love. I should know! And the google site helped me get my act together! MC
It can be a scary time. My first daughter was 5 weeks early and we spent a few days in the NICU. It took her a long time to get a good handle on the eating thing. We spent months nursing and pumping and supplementing in a seemingly unending cycle.
She's 11 now and just polished off more for dinner than her dad. I hope adorable little Lucy Ann keep making good progress and comes home soon.
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