I couldn't access my blogger account anymore. I could, however, get to my Gmail, and since they're set up within the same account this was supremely frustrating! I sent off a frantic e-mail to my daughter-in-law for assistance and she telephoned me right away; suspecting it was my browser she put my son on the phone to walk me through the diagnosis and cure. When he learned I was still using Mozilla Firefox he immediately got me started installing Google Chrome, he explained that what I was using
had been good... back in 2006! Now, Google accounts are happier using the Google browser; that made sense to me. I asked him why he hadn't advised me to make this change sooner, his response: "
you didn't need to know until now". That's the very best way to describe my computer skills (or lack thereof), I'm on the "need to know" plan; and that's absolutely good enough for me.
Life is Good!

There are a lot of things in life that I don't really need to know, or I'm happier not knowing. But it is nice to know that there are people out there who DO know and will help me when I need them.
and what I don't know could fill a book. maybe 2.
I've noticed that Firefox has been a bit flaky for me ever since the last update. Maybe it is time to switch.
I like the "need to know" plan! That's a great M.O. I think :) Glad your son was able to help out when you "needed to know".
you're going to love google chorme's most visited site thumbnails on the new tab. that is my very favorite! :)
I moved to Chrome a few months ago and have never looked back. Chrome is good!
A "need to know" basis...thats funmy. Thats probably the same classification a lot of our husbands might be in about fabric purchases!
What a wonderful chuckle and I am going on that need to know plan. Son is in insurance - so why should I know about it - he can handle it. Judy C
I saw on a blogging blog that Blogger apparently had some problems this week anyway. Glad you got it worked out!
I tried Chrome at work and shortly thereafter went back to IE7 (had to do with two particular sites I use for my boss on a multi-times-a-day basis NOT playing nicely with Chrome).
Honestly, it is ALWAYS something!
You've got a wonderful son! He's great help to alot of us!
I moved to Chrome a few months ago. I guess I needed to know before you did!! LOL (Isn't it great to have kids that are so smart!)
Totally cute post. I can so relate. Luckily I got a new computer and it had google chrome already so I avoided that by sheer accident.
You are awesome! I've been having the same trouble so I followed your lead and installed Google Chrome. Now I can get back on my blog too. Yay!
You are awesome! I've been having the same trouble so I followed your lead and installed Google Chrome. Now I can get back on my blog too. Yay!
This sounds just like conversations that I have with my children. Glad you got it sorted!
All my firefox problems have been fixed by switching to google Chrome too!
I just want things to work the way they always did. Why change it?!?
Hmmm, well I'm glad you finally 'need to know' cuz I'm in the same place you are---or were----and I'm still using Firefox. Didn't know a thing about Google Chrome til this post of yours'. Guess I need to change our computers around here. Thanks, Mrs. G. :)
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