A year ago we bought each other a new camera for our anniversary. I love it, it takes incredible pictures and is easy to use... in the AUTO mode. I knew it could do much, much more but failed to spend time reading the manual or exploring the creative options. My biggest
problem, if you could say there was one, involved the necessity of removing my glasses to peer through the viewfinder and then needing to put them back on to look at the photos on the display screen. Yesterday I decided to read a chapter in the user manual. That's where I discovered "LIVE" view... WOW, what a revelation!! It's great, I can frame up and shoot photos using that same, large, display screen (and leave my glasses ON!) by simply pushing a button! I panned around the studio and look what I captured, looking back at me! I'm enthused and can't wait to see what more this camera can do... hopefully before
next year!
Enjoy your Live View!!! Love your helper!!
My son tried to teach me about my camera....what a cute picture....
Another thing to check -- I'm not sure what kind of camera you have, but some of them have a little adjustment wheel right by the eye-piece where you look into the viewfinder. It's called the diopter (check you camera manual to see if you have a diopter) and you can adjust it to your vision. If hubby has the diopter set to his vision, it will look blurry to me. The bonus is, it keeps other people from messing with your camera LOL!
Don't we love finding the easy hints? My camera's manual had to be uploaded to the computer, which is highly inconvenient when I just want to learn a quick something. I probably should just print some of the pages I want.
Ah, what a beautiful 'subject' to practice on---HE's a natural! Now if MOM can get the hang of it...LOL
Not sure if mine has that or not...I haven't done much in manual mode either since it is so easy to get dependant on the Auto setting.
Yeah, I still haven't read my new phone's instruction manual.....I'm sure it does all sorts of stuff, but I would rather be quilting than reading fine print! And someone at a party a few weeks back showed me how to enter someone in my contacts using the 'previous callers' area, yay, cuz when I got the new phone, USCellular transferred all my old stuff, so I had no idea how to do even that! Sheesh! Technology can just fly right past me, for all I care! I just want to quilt! lol
Hi, Hannes ...
Anything that works better with my glasses ON is a good thing!
I love the look on his face. It's like he's thinking, "oh boy, more reasons for me to keep my cuteness on"!
hhhmmmm, I think I better see if my camera has this feature as I have the same problem.
You'd think that little guy just KNEW you were going to point the camera at him. Tell Hannes he's looking particularly handsome there.
I was going to pass on the diopter info too, but Ms Thimbleanna beat me to it!! But the Live View is a neat feature that I often forget about. Thanks for the reminder!
So handsome! :)
What camera did you get - we are in the market and are looking for recommendations? Thanks from Judy C
Hannes is asking Mom to hurry up and take the picture.
I have been thinking of buying a bigger camera but if I can't figure out how to use it... And I do like the way I can whip my little one out of my purse... What is important in a big camera?
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