What's more frustrating than sitting down to do some hand sewing and having your thread spool roll off the arm of the chair and under a table? Keep your thread contained in a simple, easy way... in a baby food container! I have a few babies in the family, the raw materials were mine for the asking. This is not an original idea, you may have seen it already; but this tip was simply too good not to pass along! I used a small hole punch in the corner of the lid, popped the spool inside,
et voilĂ ; an instant thread dispenser! One that is FREE; and stays put, too.
Life is Good!

Love it!
Absolutely love this idea, now where are all the moms of little ones when I need them!!!
What a positively wonderful idea!
So clever...I wonder if The Spotted One would a little baby food......
Great idea.....thanks!
Cool idea!
Very cool idea!
Great idea! Our little grand-one is long past baby food, but I think there is a container in the pantry that is probably out of date so......
I LOVE this idea. I am going to a quilt retreat in August and we are suppose to bring a tip/item for each person......I know what I'll be taking!! Thanks so much..and thanks to the little dots I have some of those containers!
Great tip indeed! I sometimes use a bobbin to pull thread off of and that tip would work for it too!
Good idea...no babies here yet but I am sure I could find something!
What a fabulous idea!
What a great idea- thanks for sharing!
What a clever idea!! Thanks bunches for sharing that tip with us. :)
I just may go buy some baby food - could always put it over the dogs kibble and then I could have the container. Wonderful plan. Judy C
Many thanks for the tip!
This idea rocks!
I love baby food containers for everything. Another great use.
I thought baby food was in little jars....need to go shopping down that aisle more often.
brilliant idea and one I have never seen before so thank you!
Great suggestion, I have a few new moms at the school, I will have a strange request for one of them, asking for a baby food container, it will bring a smile for sure. I love this idea, thank you for sharing!
That is a cool idea.
Thanks for the timely tip. I will be stitching a binding down on our way to ds. This will come in handy!
Pretty cool. I saw someone else using those.
what a clever tip! i have several of those little containers that pins came in. thanks!! jenn
I use prescription bottles too!
Waaaaaaay back when baby food came in glass jars my dad had stock piled them on his shelves in the garage. I still remember wondering how on earth he could have filled so many with screws, nuts, bolts etc. Little did I know then that the glass jars would be gone! Same with the glass Mrs. Butterworths.
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