26 November, 2011

Keeping It In Perspective

We're all counting our blessings and tallying up the things that we're the most thankful for this time of year. I have a few unassigned quilts done; albeit sans binding, but done for the most part, and hanging in the studio closet. I had mentioned to Quiltkeemosabe when we were on a recent retreat that I would like to stock my linen closet with quilts, as I finish them, and have a ready supply, for gifting, as specific situations arise. I was thinking of beginning this quilt-closet "project" after the holidays, in January of next year. To that end, I cleaned out the linen closet on Wednesday, freeing up shelf space for the quilts-to-be! Fast forward to Thursday. After dinner was done, and the family was still seated around the dining room table, I took Hannes outside for a quick walk around the yard. I encountered my next door neighbor (and their multitude of dinner guests) tromping in the woods alongside our driveway. We exchanged holiday greetings and then, suddenly somber, he asked when the last time was that I had spoken with his wife. He explained that her cancer was back and that she was scheduled for major surgery next week. My heart broke for them. Yes, I am thankful and counting my blessings; but suddenly the perspective has shifted. My "project" for next year has been jump-started and one of those unassigned quilts now has an owner, as soon as I can get the binding whipped down! Please join me in prayer for healing and comfort to all of those with serious health issues, especially during this weekend and throughout the Christmas season.

Life is Good!

*Photo credit: Google Images


Ancestor Collector said...

What a lovely post, and such a sweet thing to do for someone who is obviously in need of support. She can wrap herself up in your quilt, knowing that you care about her, and feel the love all around her. Beautiful idea and a wonderful gift! But I would think nothing less of you. :-)

Quiltdivajulie said...

I, too, try to keep 1-2 quilts on hand for special needs throughout the year . . . I love this aspect of quilting!!!!

You are someone I am thankful for -- your spirit of kindness and understanding transcends the miles between us.

lindsey said...

I am sure your neighbour will be truly blessed with her quilt. I will pray for her healing

Janet O. said...

Your neighbor and others who are suffering will be in my prayers. I, too, would like quilts on hand for such situations--I just can't seem to get a jump ahead of all of the gift quilts and thank-you quilts I am trying to get made.

Salem Stitcher said...

It seems the prayer list continues to get longer and longer.

Gari in AL said...

Just this past year the wife of one of DH's friends was diagnosed with cancer. I had been working on making a quilt out of leftover blocks and not making much headway. With her in mind the quilt came together without another problem and became beautiful and a well appreciated gift. I love quilting.

Browndirtcottage said...

What a great idea!!! Like Gari said, seems when there is someone specific in mind there is our inspiration!!

LizA. said...

You always have such wise words to share. Thank you for keeping us humble.