16 November, 2011

November's Gift, God's Timing

An unexpectedly warm, almost summer-like, day yesterday turned out to be just the gift I needed. I spent the afternoon planting pots full of Pansies on the patio and porches. (Actually, I briefly considered offering the flowers directly to the squirrels, saving me time and potting soil; but, ever the optimist, I planted them anyway... we'll see what happens.) I am woefully behind this year, normally I have the summer annuals cleaned out and the fall pots done by mid-October. Thankfully, the nursery still had inventory and yesterday's potting turned into today's rain; absolutely perfect timing! God's timing is always that; and yet, I am struggling to understand the recent untimely death of a family friend. I prepared food to take to the family as I prayed for peace and comfort through these painfully difficult days. He leaves behind a devastated family, young children, and hundreds upon hundreds of stunned and saddened friends. God has called him home, He has prepared a place for him; His is the victory! Our gift is that sure and certain reassurance, the knowledge through faith, that God's timing (though sometimes mysterious) is always perfect.

"I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself,
that where I am, there you may be also". John 14:3

Life is Good!


Ancestor Collector said...

So sorry to hear of the death of a good friend. It is so difficult when that person has not lived to old age and leaves behind a young family. My sympathies to you. Psalm 34:18 - "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Hugs!

regan said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. My heart goes out to you and his family.

Janet O. said...

Sometimes it is hard to see the wisdom in God's timing from our limited mortal perspective. One day we will understand the "whys" of it all. Until then we rely on faith and the comfort of the Spirit to sustain us through these difficult times. God bless you and your friend's family.

Marilyn said...

Sorry for your loss of a friend..prayers that his
family and friends will find peace at this
difficult time.

AnnieO said...

So you're the middleman to a squirrel colony--maybe that can go on your C.V. :)

So sad for a family to lose a daddy so young--I hope your comfort and caring help them, and you, through this difficult time.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Heart hugs from afar . . .

Jean said...

Sorry to hear of your friends death. Our Father in Heaven has a purpose for everything he does. My prayers are with you and your friends family.

Salem Stitcher said...

I'm so sorry for your loss but you are so right...God's timing, though we may not understand it at the time, is perfect.

Keep reminding me.

quiltmom anna said...

So sorry to hear of the passing of your dear friend Debbie- may you and yours feel the love and support of one another during these difficult days. With sincere sympathy.

*karendianne. said...

I didn't want another day to go by without letting you know how my heart aches for you. Loss, I am learning, is a very personal & painful experience. It wears a person out and drains the spirit. I wanted to wait until I had some words of comfort to share or something from the heart to share. I find, upon reflection, I've waited because nothing seems to fit except "I love you, Debbie" and if I could do anything I would lift you up in lit prayer to help fill you back up as you go thru this process. Let there be light in my prayer for you my friend.

StitchinByTheLake said...

This is a very timely post for me - a friend's husband was killed yesterday in a most ridiculous accident and my heart hurts for her. I know God's time is not my time and I'm glad He's in charge of the calendar instead of me. But sometimes it's so hard to understand. blessings, marlene