Life is Good!
21 February, 2012
Are You A Robot?
I am NOT a robot. If I were, I would get a LOT more done; I can tell you that! To prove that I am human, I am now confronted with this ridiculously difficult-to-decipher two part code every time I choose to comment on a blog post! I can hardly ever get it right the first time, and I am growing increasingly frustrated over this annoying requirement. The former word verification wasn't all that bad; in fact, at times the "words" could be a form of entertainment... coming up with definitions was an amusing challenge. I abhor this change. I am NOT a robot, I will sign a form and swear an oath to prove it; but please, Blogger, take this new word verification away!

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Well said! It took 4 tries and even a sound recording before I could leave a comment on someone's blog yesterday. That was the last time I will even attempt to leave a comment on a blog with that feature. I took word verification off my blog years ago. Yes, I get spam but I have a very good spam filter that sends nearly all of the junk to that file so I can delete it.
I turned off word verification the day after I first noticed this. I can rarely decipher the words on the first offering and have to keep clicking to find one I can read. It has kept me from commenting more than once.
I'm with you!! And to top it off, the words aren't any fun. Boo hiss.
The old word verification was bad enough (especially the ones where it didn't look like the blogger had word verification turned on ... but once you hit publish, it popped up), but this is just plain impossible. :-(
It is a bit on the annoying side! I've decided that if I don't get it the first time, I'll click out of that page and forget about leavaing a comment that day.
I try once. But only once. Then I leave without commenting. My eyes aren't great anyway and the way they run these letters together defeat me. Well said! blessings, marlene
Preach it, sister! I turned off my WV as soon as I learned about this. It's dreadful.
It is so annoying! I get it right on the first try about half of the time. That time could be spent reading another blog post.
The only comment I leave on a blog where the two word feature appears is "please e-mail me for info on how to remove the two-word ink-blog monster." Sadly, I fear it will reduce commenting even further.
BAH HUMBUG on Blogger for forcing this on blog owners and blog visitors without notice or option.
Pass that petition along to me - two-word verification has brought the unwillingness to leave a comment. The verification can be turned off and I hope more will do just that. This is a totally insane change. Judy C
Amen!!!! This is SO annoying! I loved the title of one blogger's post - "Apparently, I am a Robot!" That's the way I feel when I try to post too!
I'm with ya! And I used to like the old verification 'words'..... sometimes they were very telling! lol
I agree, the are a pain. I don't think mine requires it for that very reason, I love comments so don't want to make it too frustrating.
we all agree with's terrible!
I had one,like this yesterday. I knew I couldn't make it out so just put in any old letter so it would give me an easier code....wasn't that much easier but I managed it.
I SO agree with you! Especially since I use my iPad for most of my reading and auto correction despises that form of word verification. The end of this post has some good advice. I've been trying to urge people who insist on using word verification to try Thimbleanna's suggestion instead.
Hate to do it but I may have to avoid leaving comments on a lot of blogs. And I almost ALWAYS have something to say! LOL
I agree that the new verification is bad. Look what happens when you go away for a few days!
I'm glad that I am not the only one that couldn't read the printing. There must be some very good programs out there that were able to post comments.
Hear! Hear! I am not a fan either. I've turned it off on my blog. I have tried to leave comments but when I seem to type the wrong thing over and over and over I start to get frustrated. Why can't Blogger use numbers? It is so much easier to read than alphanumeric.
Oh, I am perturbed with this new word verification too. UGH!
Maybe we should get a petition going and have them do something easier.
I had wished that they would make codes that just use your left hand.
I'm with you! That is the worst font in the whole, wide world! Indeciferable... is it an "r" or an "n"? The letters are run together. you completely have to GUESS! I immediately cut off the word verification on my little blogget. I looked around for places to register my dissatisfaction with Blogger, but didn't really find a great place.
I do hope they at least get a font that a human can read. Thanks for your post! B
AMEN!!! I am getting frustrated too.. Of course I haven't even gone to look and see if my own blog needs that verification... It's a shame but I tend to give up if I see that robot message... a lot of people never hear from me.
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