Trader Joe's has opened; right here in our home town! This has been a highly anticipated addition to a local shopping center and the traffic volume surrounding the event came as no surprise. I waited to visit, giving time for the novelty to wear off. It hasn't. The shoppers continue to flood the store, and the parking lot out front is full; but then, 'tis the season! I decided to go for it. Here are a few highlights from my shopping adventure. Brussels Sprouts
on the stalk! I've never seen them sold this way before; I didn't buy any, but couldn't resist a photo. My normal shopping routine at Trader Joe's is to grab and go, specifically Joe's Joe coffee beans. But then, that's when I was visiting the Capital City and I had grandchildren to visit and little time to waste! Now that we have our own store I can enjoy a bit more browsing, and even though I bought coffee last week I was more adventuresome with one of my selections.
This seasonal coffee didn't disappoint! The spices contained are peppercorns, cinnamon and cloves; this Wintry Blend is the perfect late-afternoon pick-me-up on a cold and blustery day. |
But the coffee wasn't the best thing I found, oh no. I am in love with this cider, I've been savoring it every evening by the warm mug-full. Oh. My. Goodness.
Life is Good! |
There is a Trader Joe's here where I'm staying, but I haven't wandered in, yet. Every body boasts about it. Glad you are enjoying yours.
Looks like a great place to shop!
No Trader Joes around here. But I have heard that one will be opening in Boulder sometime. I like my Sunflower Market as opposed to Whole Foods.
There is a Trader Joes in Bellingham and we will often make a stop there when we are across the border. There are an amazing number of fabulous quilt shops in Washington state - and even more in Oregon - all good reasons to go across the border!
Four hours away there is a Trader Joe's. Needless to say, we don't get there too often.
Lucky you!
We are totally hooked on the Whole Grain Dijon's very strong, a little goes a long way....but oh so good! :o)
TJ's is my go to place for cheese and wine. The prices are fantastic and the products are really good. The wine steward at hours is very funny and has a great memory for customers. My DH especially likes their gouda and their trail mix with peanut brittle in it. And their chocolate is delicious. Have fun browsing!
I love Trader Joe's! I used to avoid the small store that is closest to us--always crazy busy. But then they opened a second location and now my local store isn't as crowded :) They do have lots and lots of wonderful products and good prices on so many things. I adore their Wine Country Chicken Salad. That cider sounds delish too!
A Trader Joe's just opened about 80 miles away, but it is about 60 miles worth of congested freeway traffic to get there. We haven't braved it yet--but I will definitely look for that cider when we go!
Better stock up on that's a seasonal thing and did not reappear in my Joe's until last week!
this summer our veggie stand sold brussel sprouts on the stalk; soooo very good, nothing at all like frozen ones....we ate all ours, even the ones we put in the freezer...LOL
No Trader Joes in my area! Oh those Brussels sprouts look yummy. You ought to try roasting them with a bit of olive oil and lemon zests! Delicious! Cheers!
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