21 December, 2012

Christmas Spirit Abounds...

Gifts are readied for friends and neighbors.
 ...even if blog posts are few and far between these days!

In a recent article I read by ELCA Bishop Mark Hanson he described an Advent posture of "standing on tiptoes and leaning into-- looking into-- God's promised future in hope. Advent reminds us that it is not for what we hope, but in whom we hope. The hope in Christ changes our perspective on both the future and the present."

 Just like all of you, I am as busy as can be in these last few days leading up to Christmas; today is no exception. I am checking in with a few photos as a way of chronicling this past week. As hard as I tried to load them in order, Blogger had other ideas about that; so, rather than fight it, I have relented and ask you to bear with me. I've included captions to add a relative time frame. My wish for you is a hope and spirit-filled Christmas; both today and into the future!

Thursday was our annual Quilt Ministry Christmas Tea;
we've gathered like this for the past eleven years, celebrating the season
and enjoying each others' company over a simple luncheon and warm cider. 
A better-late-than-never birthday quilt was finished on Tuesday.
Gregory enjoying his new BIG BOY room, bed and quilt!
Of all the things I've ever seen on any quilt I have made, a child is my all-time favorite!
Mason in his pre-school Christmas program on Monday, he was a cow.
(Although he insisted that he was an owl! A great horned owl, maybe?!)
Gregory and Mr. Goodneedle outside the sanctuary of the church
just before Mason's preschool program on Monday morning in the Capital City.
Lucy Ann and Gregory enjoying an impromptu game of
catch after the preschool program on Monday morning.
Mason with Santa on Monday; there was a special visitor in the Fellowship Hall!
Lucy Ann and Gregory kept their distance, even though there were candy canes.
The two-year-olds in our family aren't quite sure about the big guy in the red suit.
In our neck of the woods the candles for Christmas eve services at church are wrapped with crepe paper "ruffles", in a tradition borrowed locally from the Moravians. Over the last few years the job of cutting the paper (red representing the blood of Christ) and wrapping the candles (white representing purity and The Light) has fallen to the Quilt Ministry. In December the sewing machines don't move out the closet at church; instead, the ladies gather and wrap candles. This year 680+ have been prepared!
And, finally, on Monday evening our Bee gathered for snacks,
a Naughty Santa gift exchange and a movie. This is a great time that we eagerly look forward to all year long. Although some choice gifts were "snatched" during the exchange it was all in good fun!
(I'm over it, really I am! Ha!)

Life is Good!


Janet O. said...

I love the idea of leaning into God's promised future with hope in Christ. He is the only one in whom we can place our hope and never be disappointed.
You've made some wonderful holiday memories already this year. What fun--love the shot of Gregory on his new bed and quilt.
You ladies wrap a LOT of candles. Wow!
There is obviously a story behind the gift exchange. I never liked that game. As a child I watched a group of adults play it and two of them got really mad at each other. I never wanted to play it from that day on. : )

cityquilter grace said...

over it? you haven't convinced me....LOL...i know those kind of swaps..

Quiltdivajulie said...

Here's to the memories and moments!!

LizA. said...

Bus, busy, busy. What a lot of fun and memories....blessings to you and yours this Christmas.

Carol said...

What wonderful times!

Nane said...

I got you another Krispy Kreme mug today...so go on and enjoy the rest of the Christmas season! LOL

And I would rather be an owl than a cow any day!

*karendianne. said...

What a lovely post. Really captures the feeling of Christmas.