28 December, 2012

Hit And Run Christmas

Christmas: 1  Mrs. Goodneedle: 0

Yes, it's true. Christmas is stronger than I am, I was felled by its might. I should have realized that I was coming down with something on Christmas Eve when we were visiting with Lucy Ann and Mason in the Capital City and I never made even one move for my camera. We attended their Christmas Eve Children's Service with them and then drove home to attend our own 11 PM Christmas Eve Service here. We didn't see Santa on our way home from church, but we did see eight deer in our neighborhood! We crawled into bed a little after 1 AM on Christmas morning and were at Gregory's home promptly at 8 AM for breakfast! I was dragging but still upright at that point... and oblivious to what was coming. Back home we came by noontime and I started preparations for dinner. I put the cider on to warm and preheated the oven; my mother-in-law arrived with extended family who were visiting her. I slid the first round of goodies into the oven and felt it creeping up from behind... an achey back and a sore throat. I drank some cider and tried to ignore it. By late afternoon I was under heavy attack. Our guests left around 6 PM and I had the dishes done and was in bed by 7:30 PM; I stayed there for thirty-six hours straight! I slept through an entire day. I admit it, I'm weak; Christmas is stronger than I am, it hit and ran. I guess it's just a bad cold... most likely compounded by lack of sleep. I'm much better today and made the most of yesterday; the garlands and trees are down and the ornaments stowed, the window candles are put away too, all until next year.

On another note: Hannes has been checked out after three weeks of non-activity and pronounced 100%! We are adding back some moderate activity and exercise for him, and he's one happy boy. So are we!
Life is Good!


Edith said...

Ouch! Hope you mend quickly and that Mr. G and Hannes stay well.

Carol said...

Wonderful news about Hannes! Now don't get carried away...please take it easy and rest!

Marie said...

So glad your better I still have it and it has been a couple of weeks. Looking for the blue skies and all that goes with that. Happy New Year sweet friend!

Ancestor Collector said...

Oh, girl.....you and I have been in the same boat!! I've been fighting something since Christmas Day as well. So far, it's a big stand-off, but we're leaving for PA today and this could be just the one-up my germs have been waiting for. (You might ask if I should really be taking my germy self to see the grandkids but I'm hoping I'm winning the war and staying home alone while everybody else goes would be so sad). I've been waiting for weeks to spend some Christmas fun with the little ones. I'm glad you're on the mend....get lots of sleep and be kind to yourself. I can't believe you've already got Christmas put away.....that won't happen here till we return next week. By then I'll be more than ready to tackle it. :-)

Pam said...

Oh my - it sounds like it really hit you. Sounds like even if you didn't get sick after such a busy couple of day having 36 hours in bed would have been a good thing. Good to hear Hannes has recovered. Take care!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Hooray for Hannes and his health! He's had SUCH good caregivers.

Our trees, etc. will come down this weekend (I had to work Wed-Th-Fri). The outdoor lights will wait until 1/1 to go back in their boxes.

Take care and keep resting - sorry you were run over but very glad you're rebounding!

Paula, the quilter said...

I am so glad you are on the mend. Hopefully, none of the kiddies have come down with it. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Such good news about Hannes.

Nane said...

Sleep is always the best medicine. You and Hannes ease back into the New Year!

Janet O. said...

Good news about Hannes!
Sounds like we received the same Christmas agenda. Feel much better today, but I am not taking Christmas down yet. We host a New Year's gathering and I like the holiday decor still intact for that.
I believe mine was a cold as well and I am just grateful it wasn't the flu DH had just had!
So much illness going on around here that I heard for a time they banned visitors at the hospital. What a Merry Christmas.

Gwen said...

Sorry to hear you have been ill and I'm glad you are getting better. The sore throat hit me the Friday before Christmas. I dragged myself down to the church to get the altar prepared for Sunday and that was it for me. The kids had to go prepare the church for the Christmas Eve service. I spent Christmas day in bed and went to the doctor yesterday. My cold has morphed into asthmatic bronchitis and and I'm now on 2 inhalers, an antibiotic and prescription strength cough medicine. I think the whole world must have this. I was listening to Bonnie Hunter's quiltcam the other day and it seems like every other comment sent her was from someone lying in bed, just like me, sick. Even people in Europe had this! I hope you continue to recover and enjoy the rest of the holiday season!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Good news about Hannes and now you need to follow HIS example and lie low and recover! Be well ... take care of yourself! Linda

Anonymous said...

I hear you loud and clear! I FEEL your pain! I have not yet gotten sick, but I know it will come!! It always does!

Take care!!

lindsey said...

Hope you fully recover quickly. Have a blessed New Year.

Carrie P. said...

Sorry to hear you are not well. Praying you get well soon and will be 100% again.

Mama Spark said...

I am right there with you. I got sick a few days before Christmas and I am still sick! I hope you feel better soon.

Janet said...

Hope you are on the mend now! That same bug is flying around our home too:(. Third year in a row hubby has been sick at Christmas.

Tanya said...

Glad that everyone is better!