20 January, 2013

High Five!

Life is Good!


tubilinha tiacarminha said...

A vida é boa,ótima.Ganhei minha semana com esta foto.Deus Abençoe.

Carol said...

Precious...just doesn't get any better!

LizA. said...

Aww....I guess Sir Gregory is ok with having a sister?

AnnieO said...

Cute! Is there another redhead in the family? Maybe that was the reason for the high five :)

Pat said...

Love this picture!

Janet O. said...

Isn't that just too cute!!

jude's page said...

Congratulations, gorgeous photo. My first baby, 38 years ago, was a redhead and still is. She did not appreciate it when she was a child, but is happy now.

Shakerwood said...

Gotta teach little sis the important stuff first!

lindsey said...

Very sweet! Good shot!

Domestic Designer said...

So precious! Just love the picture! Can't wait to hear about your resent adventure. I am so jealous! Have a great day!

Gail said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new granddaughter who, by the way, shares a birthday with my daughter, Laura who turned 37 on the 16th and has her own little 2 year old.

Life is good, isn't it?

Gail :)

Gail said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new granddaughter who, by the way, shares a birthday with my daughter, Laura who turned 37 on the 16th and has her own little 2 year old.

Life is good, isn't it?

Gail :)

Salem Stitcher said...

Gosh, that little red-headed boy is too cute for words. Seems he's taking to being a big brother quite nicely!