06 February, 2013

Steam Vents

Steam Vents
Steam vents are scattered over this fault-bounded block that has partially slumped into
Kilauea Caldera.  Rainwater sinks through the ground and is heated by rocks which
carry heat from the liquid rock below.  Hot water then rises through fissures to condense in the chilled air. 
The grassy landscape nearby suggests that soil temperatures are too high for trees to survive easily.

At Hawaii Volcanoes National Park near Hilo, Hawaii

I have tons of photos and notes to share. The busier my days are and the farther away I get from our recent adventure the more difficult it becomes to post about it. I wanted to share this today though, a snapshot from our first port excursion. The "big island" of Hawaii is rugged and, by comparison to the other islands we visited, undeveloped. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park offered stunning views and "other world" natural landscapes!  This photo has been edited in Picmonkey; it has become my newest and latest obsession! It is free and fun; I will warn you, though, it can become a huge time eliminator!  Thanks for tolerating my wandering and absence over the last several weeks; I shall return on a more regular basis with more sewing and quilty content, you can count on it. In the meantime, have a wonderful Wednesday!

Life is Good!


Shakerwood said...

I am PicMonkey obsessed myself. Makes a beautiful picture even better!

Janet O. said...

That is a gorgeous photo. Very nice composition. Looking forward to more!

Nane said...

I will have to check pic monkey out. We didn't make it to the big island so maybe will get the chance to go back!

Mary said...

The idea of steam heat from the ground sounds so good here in the frozen north, I think my feet warmed up just looking at your photo

leigh anna said...

isn't picmonkey the best!?!?! :)

cityquilter grace said...

gee i love the travel photos too...either is fine with me!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Completely understand your dilemma of posting about the entire trip. Appreciate whatever you choose to share!