08 February, 2013

What Makes You Smile?

I received this photo attachment to an e-mail this morning, it was entitled "Hello, Spring!" The e-mail came from my daughter. You can just imagine how this made me, her quilter-mother, smile; all the way up from my toes. Her joy and enthusiasm for this purchase of fabric is evident; I contend that when joy and enthusiasm for anything is passed from one generation to the next it is a reason to smile...broadly! She plans to transform this yardage into two pretty little dresses for Lucy Ann. She might be saying "Hello, Spring"; but I say "O, Happy Day!"

Life is Good!


leigh anna said...

Maybe LA2 and Lynnleigh need matching dresses :)

Edith said...

I was just thinking that these pretty dresses could be passed down to Lynnleigh in due time. (:>)

Nane said...

Yep this could be a sign for sure!

LizA. said...

That picture definitely makes me smile too. I can just see Miss Lucy Ann in her new outfit, complete with a pink polka dot bow in her hair.

lindsey said...

I love this post...I feel just the same with my daughters :)

Janet O. said...

Isn't that fun? My daughters acted like they were being punished when I insisted that they stick with their 4-H sewing projects that were giving them grief. Neither one of them wanted to learn to sew. Now in their 30s, they both love to sew and they are both expressing interest in quilting. I am excited to bring them on board. : )

Shakerwood said...

This just fills me up ... sigh*