29 March, 2013

Reading Rainbow

I don't have a wide angle lens or I would show you these three bookshelves horizontally, end to end, displaying the rainbow effect of my just-arranged quilting books. I had been in a quandary for some time as to how to shelve all of these. By subject matter? By author? Quite a while ago the ever-brilliant Quiltdivajulie suggested that I shelve them by binding color, I took her up on her idea at long last and absolutely love the way my shelves now look! This makes me smile. What little thing can you do today to change your view and improve your outlook? Look around... you'd be surprised at what a big difference a little change can make.
Life is Good!



*kd. said...


Edith said...

Very pretty. Once upon a time, my books were alphabetized on their shelves. Now since I have so many, they are organized by wherever there is space for them. However, my CD's, tapes, albums, etc. are in alphabetical order by artist still. I have to have some order somewhere. (:>)

LizA. said...

I love this! I think you've inspired me to do the same in a couple weeks when I finally get to rediscover all my quilting books.....

Janet O. said...

Very pretty. : )
Is it difficult to find what you want, or do you generally remember what color a book is?

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Very interesting topic ... I have so many quilting books that it's almost obscene but hesitate to part with any of them ... so what's a girl to do?? As Janet O asked ... will it be difficult to find what you want or do you remember the book's color? I was thinking of arranging by author ... I am certain I have duplicates!! Happy Easter!!

Quiltdivajulie said...


I love mine this way - and they DO make me smile every time I walk by!

Tanya said...

Wow! Art even on your bookshelves! I've got all the books but I don't think I'm organized enough to arrange them by color. (I'm not organized enough to arrange them in any system.)

Paula, the quilter said...

I've thought of doing that too, but I've been lazy about it.

Carol said...

What fun! Very pretty!

Carrie P. said...

I might have to do that same thing. It looks like my stash that is organized by color too. thanks for sharing.

AnnieO said...

Very fun! Quilters and color are completely a match.

Michelle said...

It's pretty! When you want a specific book, can you remember what color the spine is?

jude's page said...

what a great idea, and looks so neat!

KaHolly said...

Wouldn't last long in MY house!!