25 April, 2013

The Tie That Binds

Here are two quilts that have been stitched together and are ready to take to church for tying today by our Quilt Ministry. Each year we make quilts to bestow upon our high school graduates for them to take along to college or wherever life leads them. They are made from solid color squares*, backed with fleece and embroidered in the lower corner with our church's logo. I do the final sandwiching assembly and embroidery at home, it is a joy-filled privilege; the graduates love their church quilts! Whenever they wrap up, for the rest of their lives, they can remember their church family that loves them, and will always be there to welcome them back home!
Life is Good!
*  Six years ago a trunk load of fabric samples were donated to the quilt ministry; all solid colors of every
 shade and hue. We refer to them as the loaves and fishes fabrics as our supply seemingly never runs low!


Janet O. said...

That trunk of fabric was truly the gift that keeps on giving! What a wonderful idea to do this for the young people of your church!

Edith said...

When I went off to college almost 37 years ago, my Aunt Juanita crocheted a Carolina blue and pink (my favorite color)afghan for me to take with me. She made one for each of my three sisters as well. I still have mine. It is very special since she died before I graduated from Carolina. Lots of love stitched into my afghan and those quilts!

lindsey said...

That is such a great idea!

jude's page said...

what a great idea, love that the supply doesn't seem to diminish, lesson in this for sure