24 May, 2013

Thirty Eight

There was love...
May 24, 1975

...before there were children, or wrinkles, gray hair, or quilting...
there was love. That love has endured and only grown stronger each 
and every day for the past 38 years. We are blessed.

Oh, yeah... we were twelve years old. 

Life is Good!


Miriam said...


quiltkeemosabe said...

Definitely twelve. Congratulations!

Edith said...

Happy Anniversary! May you have many more wonderful years together!

Anonymous said...


Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

LOVE it! You certainly LOOK 12! Congratulations, friend. Us long-married folks are really dinosaurs any more . . . .

Little Penpen said...

Happy Anniversary! I love this picture! :)

Janet O. said...

You don't look a day over 11! : )
Happy Anniversary!

Quiltdivajulie said...


DH and I were twelve going on thirteen that year ... and we celebrated 38 a couple of weeks ago.


CarlaHR said...

Oh so young!!! Congratulations, we will be celebrating our 35th anniversary next month. How time flies when you are fortunate to share it with the one you love.

lindsey said...

Congratulations! Love the ministers side burns :)

Marilyn said...

Congratulations ! Never lose the magic of love.

45th Parallel Quilter said...

I found my love late in life and we'll celebrate 15 years in July ... so wonderful to see people celebrate such long-married anniversaries and be even closer than when they started out. LOVED the picture ... many more years of happiness to you both!

phyzz said...

Your picture is a treasure! And so are both of you! Congratulations!

Teresa said...

Congratulations! Today is my anniversary as well - 39 years.

Mary said...

Congratulations and many, many more happy days together

Janet said...

Congratulations! (I bet you've not aged a bit!)

OhQuilter said...

Congratulations! Twelve for sure! And sometimes doesn't twelve feel just like yesterday!

Tanya said...

You were CUTE then.

You are BEAUTIFUL now.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture. You each look so in love. Looking to and concentrating on the words of the Pastor.

LizA. said...

How far you've come. What a beautiful couple, so very young and so obviously in love. Congrats.....here's to the next 38!