10 August, 2014

Finally Quilted!

Swiss Baskets 53" X 53"

I was pretty excited to put the final quilting stitch in this wallhanging
 yesterday afternoon; it's only been a half (or less) done project for
the last fifteen years! I'm moving on to the binding and hanging sleeve,
 while I'm on a roll.  There's nothing quite as satisfying as moving those
undone projects over into the done column. Stay tuned for the full reveal.
Life is Good!


Paula, the quilter said...

Did you have a lot of start and stops in the quilting of that border or did yo travel from quadrent to quadrent?

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilting - love the border.

cityquilter grace said...

terrific finish....even more delicious after 15 years!

lindsey said...

Amazing quilting!

NanaNor's said...

Beautiful is all I can say. I agree that it is a great feeling to finish up a project. There are a couple I've let sit in a box for the future-either to give away to my girls or to toss.
Love this!
Hugs, Noreen

*kd. said...

Boy didn't that come out pretty in addition to rewarding!

Nane said...

Love the quilting in the border

Janet O. said...

Great border quilting pattern, Mrs. G. I'm sure the rest looks as good--I just can't see it in this phot. : )
Looking forward to the full reveal!

Unknown said...

Looks great!

Carrie P. said...

great quilting design!