Does this happen to you? I made a special trip to the grocery store for two cans of cream of CHICKEN soup; I came home with two cans of cream of CELERY. Mr. Goodneedle will not eat celery, not even anything that hints of the taste of celery. Yes, I needed to make a return trip to the store! Why did this happen? I wasn't paying attention... I grabbed two cans of what I
thought was what I was after, I was on auto-mode; NOT a good way to operate at all, this only results in causing me to spend more time, more energy, more money. Groan. It was late, I was tired, I decided to wait until morning for shopping trip number two. I turned off the lights and remembered, after I was already back in the bedroom, that my clean and folded pajamas were still in the laundry room... clear on the other end of the house! No problem;, I half-ran, half-walked, through the pitch-black house to retrieve them... plowing straight into the corner of our kitchen island. The point of impact was the left side of my abdomen, I literally heard the breath
woosh out of my lungs. Wow; I had miscalculated my "flight path" by about a foot. Why did this happen? I wasn't paying attention...
again; still operating, this time at full speed, on auto-mode. I got the message loud and clear. I need to pay closer attention...
and get a headlamp!
What other areas of my life need my complete and focused attention?
Distracted action, performed in darkness, is the equivalent of complete inaction.
I've switched off the auto button and turned on a light... I'm all ears, God!
"I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever
will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible." - 1 Corinthians 7: 35
Life is Good!
Great life lesson, Mrs. G.
And I can't imagine how much that encounter with your kitchen island must have hurt.
I keep an auto-eye nightlight in my kitchen for just such nocturnal wanderings. : )
What a great lesson! The effort involved in paying attention is ever so much less that the cost to repair the damage when we don't! Just ask a quilter : ) Thank you for the wise words this beautiful Sunday morning.
Ouch! Slow down;)
do that way to much myself
had to smile we have all done this I am sure…
think its a reminder that we need to slow down and live in the moment….
good luck with that!
Been there, broke a toe in my in-the-dark mis-adventure ... Take care and breathe ... Great reminder to slow down!
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