14 October, 2014

A Grace-filled Life

I live a blessed life, filled to overflowing with moments of pure grace. By Christian definition grace is the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. My constant prayer is that I remain open to these blessings and aware of the true gifts that they are; and, more importantly, from where they come... always returning thanks back to God. 

A few years back I kept a gratitude journal after reading Sarah Ben Breathnach's book: Simple Abundance. The book was a gift from my daughter and I found it to be transformative. Since then I have developed a heightened awareness of blessings and grace moments, although I have long-ago given up the practice of actually keeping the journal; every now and then I think I should go back to that habit of actually writing them down, it's a humbling experience.

On Saturday we traveled to the Capital City to watch Mason play soccer. Our oldest grandchild has developed quite a competitive spirit and is a great team player; to be there and witness his God-given athletic abilities and his cooperative nature was such a treat. I realized suddenly, standing right there on the sidelines in the warm late morning heat, how very much I had to be thankful for: our close proximity to all of our grandchildren, their good health, our own good health and for the loving family unit that binds us together... blessings bestowed. Grace comes: not always in big and monumental ways, it comes in the everyday moments. Over the last few days it has come on the sidelines of that soccer field, it came around the dinner table over a simple sandwiches shared with loved ones, it came at a quilt guild meeting in unexpected surprises received from thoughtful friends, and just today in a loving note from a kind and generous friend who is going through a grief period of her own. These grace moments are so sweet, so tender, and so pure that they touch my heart and reduce me to tears. How can I possibly be worthy? How can I ever be grateful enough for all of these blessings and this life filled with God's grace? I am assured that God is there, in the midst of each sacred instant, and that God is also working within me; to be there, to bear His grace, and to pass it along. I'll do my best. How has grace touched your life today? Look around, you'll see! It's what we do next that really counts...
Mason (front row, left) and the Defeaters

Life is Good!


KaHolly said...

I love that book. It's kept me bouyant more than once!! The author, on the otherhand, didn't live by her own words and got herself into a peck of troubles!! I, too, feel blessed every day. Sometimes it's the tiniest thing!

Jacqueline said...


Quiltdivajulie said...

Thank you for sharing this!!

NanaNor's said...

Love this post dear one! Firstly, I love your heart of gratitude; it is amazing that once we start recognizing the blessings, how much more aware we are. We are both so blessed to live near our children and grandchildren. Sending you big hugs today.

Sherrill said...

You are truly blessed. Thought I'd share this message on grace that we watched in Sunday School this past Sunday. Please make it to the very end--the tears will really be flowing and you might see grace even more clearly afterwards!!


Janet O. said...

What a thoughtful post. You are obviously a woman in touch with the workings of God in her life!

StitchinByTheLake said...

As a matter of fact - just yesterday I had very similar thoughts! I've been blessed so abundantly and deserve none of it....the only way it could happen is through God's grace and love and forgiveness. It brings tears to my eyes to think of the times I disappoint Him and how quickly He forgives me. He is so good. blessings, marlene

jirons42 said...

Thanks you for the touching testimony

Traveling through said...

Appreciation of God's grace is best shown by passing it along - which you do everyday, by who you are and all you share. Blessings dear friend!

barbara woods said...

i have 24 grandchildren and all are healthy, that's a blessing

cityquilter grace said...

God's unwavering presence even when i don't feel it....

jude's page said...

Thankyou for a great post.