14 November, 2014

Coming Up For Air

"Coming Up For Air" ~ 60" X 78"
I've been on a roll lately, the queue of "to be quilteds" isn't quite as long as it used to be; I've been using up a lot of fabric (backings), quilting thread and batting too; it's all good. I'm loading this String quilt  top today, it's the product of an Ami Simms class that I took at Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival back in February of 2012. I was hunting for enough backing fabric (5 yards) for this one when I received a message from a friend last week that she had found an odd bolt of Marcia Derse fabric (no longer available) by Troy that's about as old this quilt top. She remembered that I had been looking for this fabric some time ago and set the bolt back for me, she assured me that there was enough fabric remaining to back this String quilt. I stopped my my LQS and purchased 5 yards yesterday! Score!! Or so I thought.
When I got home and introduced the front to the back it was apparent that this fabric just wouldn't work... it's too mushroomy-gray compared to the honey-toned creams on the front.; this wasn't turning out to be the match made in heaven that I had hoped.  Now I was faced with another decision; piece a back from matching scraps left over from the class or dive a little deeper in my stash closet... I chose to take the plunge!

When I came up for air this is what I had clutched in my hand... and, yes, there's enough; it's a fabric ("Painted Desert" line from Hoffman International) that I loved so much back in the mid 1990's I bought all that I could at that time; a long-ago purchase that's paying off today. It's the absolute perfect backing for this quilt... and, a name has been assigned to this quilt now too, in honor of today's diving adventure:  "Coming Up For Air"; that moniker describes not only the sky quality of the quilt's backing fabric but also my recent full-on run at finishing up quilting projects. So, what to do with a now prewashed and pressed 5 yard length of Marcia Derse fabric? Not to worry, it will likely come in handy twenty years or so from now... after all, I'm on a roll!
Life is Good!


carol fun said...

Oh what a blast from the past...I too LOVED that Hoffman Painted Desert fabric! I bought it in several colorways and bought a whole bolt in that blue...I still have some in my stash! It is perfect for this quilt.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Great find in the stash and what a perfect name for your quilt!!!!!!

Marie said...

You did good!!!Love your choice! Hugs, Marie

LizA. said...

Looks like it all worked out well. Painted Desert -- wow, I remember that fabric. I believe I might even have some in a different color way in my stash.....

cityquilter grace said...

no fabric purchase is ever in vain....excellent lucky choice...congrats on another finish!

Brenda said...

My mother used Painted Desert in green and purple for my son's baby quilt 20 years ago, and another version in just purple for my second son. she had that fabric in several colour ways and I got the scraps, but I've used it all up.