11 November, 2014

Think Before You Click!

It all began so innocently (doesn't everything?), I was scanning a few e-mails before bedtime and ran across a shipping notice for a recently ordered purchase. The e-mail contained a tracking number and, rather than copying that number and going the the FedEx website for more information, I clicked on what I thought was an imbedded hyperlink to that same destination, located just beneath the e-mail. I was wrong; I actually clicked on an ad for some horrible, virus-laden site called package tracker or some such thing. That one click of the mouse erased my browser and populated my programs with a whole list of evil malware! It was a long weekend, my husband spent many frustrating hours cleaning up my computer; uninstalling and reinstalling needed programs. I am usually uber-cautious about computer navigating, but a single moment of inattention slipped me up big time! Be careful; learn from my mistake, think before you click!

Life is Good!
... again!...


Jacqueline said...

Ouch... thanks for the heads up

Quiltdivajulie said...

DH suffered a similar infestation a few weeks back - required a clean install (it was NOT pretty).

He, too, is uber cautious and diligent about scanning for malware and updating anti-virus software - but it appears the bad guys have improved their tactics - UGH!!!

Glad you are back up and running again ...

Janet O. said...

Isn't it maddening that you can't be more trusting in this world?
Glad you got things working again, thanks to your resident handyman! : )

MARCIE said...


Paula, the quilter said...

Sage advice, indeed!

LizA. said...

Been there, done that and now I run Mac which is much less likely to fall prey to those kind of evils.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I got a message the other day...but do have quilts that come and an order for a holiday gift. The name said Andrea Ray...I don't recognize the name. I'll feel more at ease if it shows up today.

dianne said...

this ALMOST happened to me two weeks ago - how do the bad guys know when we are expecting packages?!? if i hadn't been so irritated with the (fake) message telling me that FedEx tried to deliver the package at 5:30am on a saturday morning, i WOULD have clicked it - good thing i'm on slow simmer most of the time, innit?