01 December, 2014


Yesterday was the first Sunday in Advent; in observance, I'm focusing on the word "hope".  As Christians we are people of hope. From 1 Peter 3:15 - "...always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you...". This photograph illustrates hope to me. I took it yesterday in the chapel of the rehab facility where my precious mother-in-law has been moved for physical therapy after a few days in the hospital. She is tired; we, her family, are hopeful... for her recovery, for her comfort, for peace to her body and mind. This is a difficult time... and yet, we remain hope-filled. Our prayers are petitions of hope to a loving God on her behalf. Are you ready to give a reason today for the hope that is in you?
Life is Good!


Juliann in WA said...

What a lovely way to begin the season - hopeful and grateful. Wishing your mother in law a season of hope filled healing

Anonymous said...

Wishing your MIL a quick recovery Debra. I love the word hope- it has a soothing positive energy quality about it.. Hope makes me smile and think happy thoughts.. Sending you some of that positive hope.
Warmest regards,

Marilyn said...

Prayers going up for your mother in law for a
swift recovery.

Traveling through said...

Yes, our hope for now AND the future lies in the One who gave His all for us out of love and grace. Hugs and prayers.

LizA. said...

sending prayers for your mil along with those for my fil who is also in rehab after hip replacement at age 87.

Unknown said...

Prayers for you and yours Debbie. It is a beautiful word.

stitchinpenny said...

Hope to you. Share your hope with your mother-in-law. These times are so tough for all involved.

Janet O. said...

My hope is in a Savior who rose again, giving us the hope of new life. Knowing that these hard, later years of life are but a prelude to a glorious future makes it all a little more bearable as I see my sweet parents and MIL suffer the pains and limitations of aging.
Prayers for your MIL, too!

Quiltdivajulie said...

What a beautiful window in a place where hope defines the work being done . . . sending hugs and prayers for all!

Gail said...

Hope your mother-in-law has a speedy recovery, Debbie, I just spent the last two night in the ER with my father because he fell twice while I was working.

Fortunately, he wasn't seriously injured but he is unsteady on his feet. We would like him to go to a rehab facility for a short stay to get him stronger, but he refuses to go now that he's out of the hospital.

He has vascular dementia which makes him very difficult to
deal with.

Gail in NH

StitchinByTheLake said...

As we lit the candle of hope last week I thought about my dear friend who is battling cancer for the third time. I'm so thankful that, despite our circumstances, God gives us hope....blessings, marlene