TM X 2 ~ 56"X 68" |
I've cleaned 323 charm squares out of the bins thanks to Bonnie Hunter and her
July challenge. Working with these tumblers, leader-ender fashion, I have a completed throw-sized flimsy this morning! I have so many left over tumblers cut out and waiting that it looks like this flimsy may be one of a pair by August's end! Working leader-ender style means that all the piecing is accomplished while stitching up other projects. Each of these pairs of tumblers was joined as the lead off to a seam while piecing Bible Study blocks, Temecula Quilt Company's Summer Sampler blocks or nap blankets; another pair would be joined together as each seam ended... always sewing onto and off of a pair of tumblers. Pairs soon became quads which joined together themselves, eventually becoming rows and
sew on and
sew on. For more clarity check out the hows and whys of using the leaders and enders by going to

The book that I am is currently reading is causing a frenzied cleaning revolution in my life and sparking joy by replacing clutter with peace and calm.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo details the Japanese art of removing excess from one's life as practiced by the author. I'm all in; the KonMarie philosophy is one I can adopt, it's life changing and transformative. I've done this before, but this particular method resonates with me personally.
“All hail the new decluttering queen Marie Kondo, whose mess-busting bestseller has prompted a craze for tidying in homes across the world … one proper clear out is all you need for the rest of your life.” – Good Housekeeping Wish me luck, I've only just begun.
And, to that end, I am culling some vintage quilting books from the shelves of The Strawberry Patch. I am parting with these (there will be more to come) right now, they're free to anyone who would like them; all I am asking is that you pay the postage if shipping is required. The titles are: Quilts for Summer Days by Jan Patek, Houses, Cottages and Cabins by Nancy J. Martin, Calendar Quilts by Joan Hanson, Easy Paper Pieced Keepsake Quilts by Carol Doak, All Things Noah by Debbie Mumm, Baskets and Bumblebees by Barbara Brandenburg, More... Texture With Textiles by Linda F. McGehee, A Walk Through The Garden by Piecemakers and Winter Whimsies by Suellen Cochrane Wassem. There's also a circa 1989 Old-Fashioned Patchwork magazine that must have missed the great magazine discard day a few years ago! See one you'd like? Speak up, it's yours, but they'll be gone soon.
Life Is Good!
* Note: Book titles that have been struck through are now spoken for. Yay!
It is time for me to clean out, too. Today. No further delay.
Doesn't it feel good to cull through and remove the "no longer needed/wanted" items? Bonanza for others and freedom for us.
p.s. I plan to cut more tumblers from my stockpiled resource boxes and use them leader/ender style in the coming months to make 3-4 comfort quilts for Quilts Beyond Borders. These smaller quilts will also give me a chance to practice my machine quilting. Win-Win all around!
lovely tumbler top....they do add up quickly....
I've read a lot of decluttering books and that one too. I'm not so sure I believe her in the "you only have to do it once" philosophy, but I do like the idea of touching everything and deciding whether to keep it or not, instead of whittling down layer by layer like an onion, which is what I have been trying to do. Good luck in your clearing, and I do hope you find the magic! I'm saving the quilting stuff for last, because I think that will be one of the hardest for me to let go.
Hi ~ If no one has claimed it yet ... I would be interested in Houses, Cottages and Cabins by Nancy J. Martin. Let me know postage and I will reimburse you! Thanks ... will PM my address to you. Linda
I did that awhile back but instead loaded up my friend and she took them to guild!! Think they still sell the magazines for 25 cents and I'm guessing put any books they don't have into the library. Not sure about the rest..maybe on the free table. Whatever, I'm just glad they're gone. But I still have WAAYY too many more that need to go.
Oh, those tumblers look good. Aren't leader/ender quilts great?
I need to follow your lead and clean out my books. There are so many I never use, and several I would like to put on my shelf, if only there was room. : )
Tumblers are a bit addictive I think and yours are wonderful!
think you started something, my cleanup commenced last weekend, and will be continued
Hmm. I've heard about that book. Well, if you recommend it I'll have to give it a try... I've always been partial to Flylady but the Japanese do have a simple way of displaying and decorating.
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