10 November, 2015

With Laser Focus...

Life has been hectic lately; lots of things going on daily that occupy my time and mind. I had a friend who used to say she had to fly sideways just to keep from taking off... that's an apt description of recent activities for me. Anyway, on Monday I loaded a quilt onto Snowbird and quilted it using this pantograph, Paisley Max. There was something so relaxing, so centering, about switching on the machine and following that laser dot with intense concentration. I couldn't veer from the path, I couldn't stop midway and come back to my laser and line later, if I even hesitated en route I feared losing course or changing direction inadvertantly. And so, I pressed on. The quilt is all paisley-ed out now with this lovely, swirling texture on its surface.  I was able to clear my mind and focus with clarity... on this one thing. It was liberating and empowering at the same time. Knowing now that I have the ability to keep competing thoughts, activities and concerns at bay gives me the encouragement I need to actually accomplish the many things demanding my attention, one at a time; and a peek at what it may be like to reach the end of "quilt tops to be quilted" queue!
Life is Good!


Quiltdivajulie said...

Multi tasking is SO very bad for us . . .

Unknown said...

Lol. I try to avoid that panto ;)

Janet O. said...

I can't use pantos when I quilt on Gidget, but there is something very soothing to me about being in the zone with an all-over design and just getting lost in it. I could relate to this very much!

lindsey said...

I cant begin to imagine how much concentration and care that involves but I know it will look amazing :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow I love this post!!! You have no idea how I really DO get it!!!! I do this day in and day out. Outside things constantly calling for my attention!!! I can't tell you how many times I have gone the opposite direction if I even glance up for a moment while doing a panto! It is SO easy to lose your place or direction!!! I am trying to do more freehand edge to edge but I struggle with the fact that I can get a customer quilt done faster by doing a panto and I don't have to worry about the design remaining consistent but I have gotten to a point where I must try more freehand because that is what I love the most. I am TRYING to get out of my own way! I struggle with that !!!!!!! I AM working on it!

Love the post, I related to it on SO many levels!!!