25 May, 2018

Bedroom Re-Do, Done At Long Last!

Last month we finished recovering the wing chairs in our bedroom. It took a long time, but it was worth it; we're happy with the results. I finished binding "Dixie", the Civil War sampler I posted about here, around the same time that the chairs were completed. I decided to make pillow shams to coordinate with the quilt to complete the look. I purchased some Robert Kaufman Essex Linen in in the color: "Leather", loaded it onto Snowbird a quilted the same clamshell pattern that I had quilted on the quilt itself. I would use this piece for the center portion of three pillow shams. My plan was to add wide flanges all around to frame out the shams; also from Essex Linen, but in black. Somehow I miscalculated the amount of black fabric that I needed and ended up only being able to complete two of the shams. I had to get more fabric, further delaying the completion. Drat! So close, and yet...

Two lonely pillow shams... waiting for their sibling to arrive. 
I took this picture yesterday; with all of the components done, our bedroom makeover is finally complete!
Life is Good!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

looks great! I wish I had room for a chair or two in my room!

Little Penpen said...

What a beautiful room! The quilt is perfect on your bed, as are the shams. Wonderful!

Janet O. said...

A lovely finish! So inviting. You two make a very good team!

Needled Mom said...

It looks beautiful - so calm and inviting.

Jacqueline said...

Very nice. You did yourself proud.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Congratulations - it was a long haul but it was worth it!!

cityquilter grace said...


Marie said...

Love the new look, civil war is among my favorite fabric!

Annie said...


Janet said...

Love the look!

Shelina said...

What a beautiful bedroom! Lovely makeover!