18 February, 2019

One On One... Again

Another weekend, another grandchild. This time it was the youngest; this newly-turned-six year old really keeps us on our toes! The activities included, but weren't limited to: homemade ice cream making with Paw Paw, practicing hand sewing skills with lacing cards, sewing skirts for her American Girl dolls, making a necklace hanging rack for her room and, of course, a tea party! The tea party table was set with a tea pot and cups from two of her great, great, grandmothers! In between all of those fun things lots of pictures were colored, crafts created, jokes told, stories read and memories made. 
We ate at Cracker Barrel on Friday night. She ordered a pancake and had a biscuit along with a side order of broccoli. Eating out with grandparents is a special time, she can order whatever she would like. We've already been broken in and worn down by picky eaters over the years, we weren't fazed.
Meet "Reese's Cup" and "Ice Cream"; these two "worm" creations kept her occupied for hours on end. Our "art box" filled with all sorts of odds and ends along with markers, scissors and glue is her treasure trove. 
All in all it was a great weekend that flew by much too quickly. She and I are already making plans for what we'll do "next time". 
Life is Good!


julieQ said...

I so enjoy seeing your darlings...they are growing so fast!!!!

jude's page said...

Great idea of one on one time with your grandies. With my 9 I could be busy for lots of weekends.

Shelina said...

Sounds like a delightful weekend! I think I've had broccoli with pancakes too!

Janet O. said...

You are creating wonderful memories, warm feelings and loving ties that will endure! Love it.
Got a giggle about the picky eater story. Most of my grandkids would fit right in. :)

Quiltdivajulie said...

So wonderful -- she clearly had a marvelous visit.