Indulge me as I ramble from here, this catch-up post is necessary to get me where I need to be for upcoming sewing and quilty posts. Now for total randomness:
This is a recent photograph of the kitchen in our son's home; he and his family have temporarily been displaced (to Chez Goodneedle!) while their home goes through a major renovation. They are making good progress and the daily changes are astonishing! Our two youngest grandchildren are currently visiting their other grandparents; for now it's just Kyle and Leigh Anna living here with their two dogs.
Speaking of their two dogs; their vet makes house calls in a BIG way! Last week Leigh Anna called her as their female dog, Hallie, had a bad case of "happy tail" that simply refused to heal. It was a constant source of bleeding that they had dealt with on and off for the better part of a year. She would smack her tail on something (anything) and injure it, then it would bleed and she would wag her tail... over and over, you get the picture. The decision was made to dock her tail. The vet came out and did the surgery, parked right there at the end of our driveway! Hallie has done extremely well over the past week recovering and getting used to wagging a stump instead of her long tail. I find this whole mobile vet concept to be brilliant!
Mr. Goodneedle can't eat red tomatoes, (but he loves them) the less acidic yellow tomatoes are his delight. We have friends from church who keep him in good supply! There's a few red ones for me!
The bluebirds are at it again! We've had a second nesting this summer with five (just hatched!) new mouths to feed!
I have fallen heir to this treasure. When I was in Jr. High we sold these door to door as a fundraiser. Do you remember when zip codes were first introduced? I do. Zip codes and area codes; according to this directory, were introduced in 1963. There was a grace period as they came in to existence (I can't recall how long) but I remember, too, the threat of returned mail if the zip code wasn't included. This well-worn booklet is one that was worth its weight in gold back in the day, I remember consulting it all the time. No home could be without one; we sold many, many copies!
One last photo to close out. We had our small quilt group meeting last week at a member's home. This is the view from her sewing room. We had a garden tour before we adjourned inside, isn't it lovely? I seriously doubt that I could stay indoors with this just outside the window; even to sew!
Life is Good!
We have our second bluebird eggs also. You have to be partial to your grands it's in the job discription.
It's a busy time at Chez Goodneedle! Certainly enjoyed this post and all the accompanying photos.
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