I have my work cut out for me, literally. I've done research on the history of that phrase and have found the most prevalent explanation as one that comes from the sixteenth century: "This phrase is supposedly a metaphorical allusion to the preparation of fabric to be worked on: once the shapes have been cut out, the tailor still has a lot of sewing to do, by hand in the past, before the cloth becomes a garment." This is certainly appropriate for today's post. I wrote most recently about going through the full-to-overflowing scrap basket to collect the batiks in there that were serviceable enough, size-wise, for making more masks. The requests for more have been steady. Today, Wednesday, has been deemed as mask-making day. I rescued enough fabric from the scraps to make thirteen! In the meantime, the rest of the scraps needed to be dealt with. Slowly, working my way through the heap, I pressed them and diligently cut them up into usable sizes. 
These scraps, leftover from various and assorted projects, were eventually transformed into this:
... and these squares, triangles and rectangles were all used to feed these...
...the bins that reside beneath my cutting table, Bonnie Hunter's Scrap User's System which has worked for me for many years! These, in turn, will be used to make more scrap quilts, and SEW it goes!
After days spent cutting, the trash can looked like this. Yes, there are scraps too small to save! 😉
Meanwhile, out on the porch, Mr. Goodneedle had his work cut out for him too. He began re-slinging the dining chairs that have literally fallen apart after years of being out in the weather. The before and after, above, is night and day. We are both very pleased with the new, lighter (and sturdier!) look.
As we continue to enjoy this space we've been delighted by nature (birds expanding their families, specifically) up close and personal. Just below that empty flower pot in the pic above is a row of shrubbery and right in the top of one a Cardinal has built a nest, yesterday we discovered two babies almost ready to fledge. When we are eating out there we're treated to the sights and sounds of mealtime just beyond the screens too.
On the patio side of the porch a Carolina Wren has built yet another nest (the second this year) in a cavity that exists in a remaining brick column. Mama Wren timed her nest building correctly, these columns, slated for demolition, won't come down as long as they're supporting life.
The bottom of this basket is a welcome sight; it hasn't been visible for a very long time!
Yes, I've got my work all stacked up and cut out for me today. The copper nose wires are all cut and ready to be inserted and the linings are trimmed and hemmed already. It's time to get to work.
Life is Good!
hands to work, hearts to God with excellent results all around!
I am going to be cutting out masks today, too. Last night I washed the t-shirts I am cutting up for linings, and then matched the batik to a coordinating lining material. Don't know if any will get sewn today, but I hope to "get me work cut out for me." :)
Love your screened porch and all the life in and around it. The chair redo looks wonderful!
So industrious! A lot of us are doing that, and it's great to read about.
This is my favorite Bible verse and has gotten me through a lot in life! I've been in a lull for mask making, but it does come in spurts. Your redone chairs look very comfortable. How nice that the birds are putting on a show for you. :)
Your chair redo looks fantastic, well done, great that the birds provide entertainment for you, and you certainly have been busy with the masks. Thankfully that is something that we haven't had to worry about here. Those scraps take a fair bit of time to tame, but worthwhile doing. Some of those bits in the rubbish bin would go into my strings drawers, and others go to the kindergarten for the children to use.
That porch is so beautiful!! And now to the new 'refitted' chairs--ahh! I remember years ago we had a Carolina wren build her nest in an empty garbage bag box on the back porch (just out the back door). Before knowing she was there, I walked out and she FLEW out of the box and scared me to death. But we were more careful after and she raised her babies, they left and THEN the box got thrown away. HA!
Go you!!! THat quilt on your design wall.... LOVELY!!!
What a lovely porch area! Your husband is doing a great job on those chairs!
I'm so tired of making masks! Yours are lovely. I am working on a scrap quilt right now. I found a pattern (actually multiple variations of it) in the snap scrap quilt along. You might want to check it out.
I've been wanting to try this as we have a few really bad chairs. I even ordered the fabric and UV thread, but have been hesitant to give it a go. Those look fantastic. You have motivated me to give it a try.
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