After that picture was taken they simply turned around and went back inside the house! North Carolina is still a mixed bag as far as opening up is concerned, and the whole school situation is complicated. The more populated counties have held fast to distance learning (at home) for the first quarter and will assess the in-person option once again as time moves forward. Faced with that decision to make (go back or go virtual), and not knowing what the schools will look like, exactly, when/if they do re-open: masks, social distancing, removal of social activities like recess and specials, this family chose the virtual all year option. They approached the decision as a family and were in agreement. Our daughter, their mother, is a teacher assistant and has chosen to do that virtually as well. They've each carved out their own work spaces at home and this seems to be working, there's still a few kinks but each day is getting better and going more smoothly.
Our son's family has chosen the same path, they've reached the same conclusion as a family, our daughter-in-law not only has Gregory and Lynnleigh at home but also another brother/sister team for their learning days. Our son constructed the work station for them (in background) to our DIL's (also a teacher) strict specifications. She's been on "furlough" from teaching for some time, but once a teacher always a teacher! This photo (above) is from our local newspaper. The family was featured in a front-page article on Monday on this very subject: virtual classrooms.
Lynnleigh was excited and very proud to have her picture on the front page, above the fold! ๐
As you can tell from these photos, also from the featured newspaper article (!), back-to-school is looking quite different for families this year. Just like everyone's comfort level is on a sliding scale for venturing out, we need to trust that everyone is making the best, most informed, choice that they can to stay safe and healthy wherever they live. We're all adapting in an upside-down ๐world right now. Wishing students everywhere the best of all learning years, even if that classroom just so happens to be their own kitchen!
Life is Good!
while technology has made this do-able, it's bittersweet....i have so many of those first day photos in my collection and they are priceless...
Wow making news already! It is a difficult decision for sure, wit pros and cons on both sides. I think I too would opt to do it virtually.
Very interesting! Although Japan is an extremely technologically advanced country, the use of computers and laptops by students in elementary school is still very limited and the ministry of education and education boards still haven't attempted set-up online schooling. For us in the country we still don't feel the affects of the pandemic and school is continuing as usual(no option to do home schooling even). If things get more serious I don't know what families are going to do!
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