We started slowly. She worked from her favorite color palette of navy blue and aqua and began a lap-sized quilt by joining squares into four-patches and then into larger units. She helped to die-cut all of her squares. She understood the importance of maintaining an accurate and consistent seam allowance; everything fit together perfectly.
By day two she was well on her way to laying out her overall design. We kept the sessions long enough to be productive but not over-tiring.
By day two she was well on her way to laying out her overall design. We kept the sessions long enough to be productive but not over-tiring.
We took physical breaks; snacks and games were all part of the plan, too. I believe she had a great time!
On the first evening (it started early, on Thursday!) of our "girls weekend + Paw Paw" we ate pizza out on the porch and topped it off with an old favorite (in our family) dessert; Rainbow Angel Cake. This tunneled-out-and-filled-with-rainbow-sherbet-angel-food-cake was a constant at our daughter's birthday parties throughout her teen years. We spent precious time visiting, playing games and watching television together before bedtime. Last evening we had appetizer hour, a baked potato and toppings bar for dinner and a chocolate chip cookie skillet with homemade chocolate ice cream. Lucy Ann and our daughter taught us to play Kings Corner, a new (to us) card game. Our weekend was a jam-packed and enjoyable one!
Before she had to pack up the car, and head back home with her Mom today, Lucy Ann had everything in place on the design wall! Time slipped away altogether too quickly. Is this the face of a proud and happy new quiltmaker? I'd say "yes"!! 🙂 We need to schedule future sessions to finish up the top's assembly and to tie-dye the backing fabric before we load it onto the longarm for quilting. The fun with this one never stops!
I cannot wait for our next get-together.
Yep, time marches forward; days turn into months which turn into years~ today's Hannes' 16th birthday! Happy birthday, little buddy; you make everyday a joyful occasion. You're a loving and loyal companion.
Life is Good!
what a wonderful legacy....inspiring a new quilter!
What fun! Good for Lucy Ann. Better watch out Nana, she may start raiding your fabric stash! 16 - wow! Wow! Wow!
How lovely that your grand daughter has taken to patchwork so well!
Yummy, just look at that cake. And such a beautiful dog!
This post just makes me smile all over!
Congratulations, Lucy Ann! Yes, that is a happy face - and a proud one too!!
"She understood the importance of maintaining an accurate and consistent seam allowance."
Wow! That's a lesson some of the adult quilters I've taught don't ever seem to learn. I'm impressed! I'm impressed with the whole quilter and the young quilter!
Hannes is really looking good! Already 16... Tell him he ages well!
What fun to teach the next generation the skills. Do hope she keeps it up.
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