This was a portion of our feast, our son did the turkey on his pellet grill; it was spatch-cocked, juicy and perfectly cooked~ absolutely delicious! This entire center island was filled with pies later on.
The girls read the thankfulness feathers after dinner was done and tried to guess who wrote which one.
The four cousins had a pre-Thanksgiving sleepover here the night before. This was story time before bed, including a dramatic reading of Turk and Runt compliments of Mason and Lucy Ann!
Mason's almost as tall as me now, my daughter sent this (12 yrs. later) pic collage after she returned home, I love it. It's a pure delight seeing him grow into a smart, athletic, kind and caring young man.
I've dragged out my last year's Amaryllis bulb and am hopeful for reblooming. Time will tell.
I've kicked off the season with a Peppermint Chocolate Chip milkshake, I try to limit myself to one a year. Again, time will tell;😉 in my defense I must say that these are my all time favorites (followed closely by Peach in the summer).
Speaking of kicking off the season, you all know that I am a huge Home Free fan. This selection, Warmest Winter, the title song from their new album is a wonderful way to do just that. Click to listen, this is A Cappela at its best! You're welcome.
Little Miss Lynnleigh began her decorating with a Christmas chain before we left her home last week.
I was able to get Lucy Ann's pillow completed; it's now wrapped and ready for Christmas giving.
Donation quilts done during this past year are rolled and ready for distribution to the needy. I'm already working on next year's. My hope and prayer is that these will bring warmth and a bright spot where they're needed the most. Just like that, November's done! Sadly, no 'books read' list this month, I've been too busy to read enough that's even worth reporting on. Hopefully, there will be a return of dedicated D.E.A.R time in December, fingers crossed.
Life is Good!
looks like a grand time was had by all....plenty of early decorating here as well...we all need some christmas for sure...
Time with family is the best, especially this year. I love the gratitude turkey! Thank you for the link to Homefree's new song. I had never heard of them before you mentioned them a few years ago. I am a fan and was fortunate to see them in concert last year. Happy Decorating!
Lovely pics of your grands and celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday. What fun for the cousins. Enjoy the season, however altered it may be this December!
Thanks for sharing your sweet family with us all ,it is a blessing to watch them grown! I wish for you and yours A Very Merry Christmas! Many hugs, Marie
Love the picture of all the cousins on the sofa! I can see a bit of your husband in Mason!
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